Practice is the ACTUAL application or use of an idea, belief, or method apposed to theories about such an application.
I see people all the time who talk about what they want. How they are going to make it big and be rich “someday.” The problem is that all they do is TALK. It never goes beyond that. Where is the ACTION!
Are you a big talker or do you practice being wealthy. What I mean by that is are you taking daily action to become wealthy. Every day I do things to become wealthy. I blog with the desire to help others grow in their understanding of network marketing and success in general. I watch my Mind Movie several times a day, envisioning myself with financial freedom and enough wealth to have what I want in life as well as plenty to give to others. I read books, listen to special trainings about the industry and do lots of research on how to market effectively. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Each day I practice something that will usher me closer to my goals. I realize that PRACTICE makes PROGRESS.
Every positive practice IS progress. It might not seem like anything is happening right now, but if you are practicing, I can assure you that you are making progress. Thomas Edison, whom I mention all the time because he is such a great example, practiced finding a way to succeed in his invention of the light bulb. He practiced over 10,000 experiments before he was successful. Each attempt led his closer to his goal. I don’t know how long it took him, but it sure didn’t happen overnight. It took days, weeks, and months of practice to get to his destiny.
Tiger Woods is another example. He didn’t wake up one morning as a world-class golfer. He practiced from a very young age, and all that practice added up to make him one of the greatest golfers of all time. His reality was that practice made progress.
What are you doing to progress? Are you reading, listening, learning, sowing, and growing? Or are you wasting time watching TV, playing video games, attending party after party, or just plain goofing off? If the latter is you case, you are not progressing; you are dying!
Remember this excellent phrase, “Practice makes Progress.” It just could change your life!
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