All experiences of life are designed by God to force men and woman to take action; to compel them to stop being victims of circumstances and become creators of their own destiny.
Who are you? You are unique and possess the power to create, take action, make choices and have and be what you desire. Image a ship sailing into the sea without a captain or rudder to stir the ship to the desired destination. Such a ship would be tossed by the waves of the seas and never reach it’s intended port-of-call. Most people on this planet are just like the ship I just described. They don’t design their day, they let their days “design” them.
Do you control your environment, or does your environment control you? The answer to this question will determine whether you can succeed as a successful human being, or not. Again, most let the environment form them instead of taking charge despite what the environment presents.
We were created in God’s image after His likeness. We, unlike plants or animals, have the power to create the life that we desire. God gave us a Free Will. Our Will is to be used! Do you use your Will, or are you like a powerful aircraft without a pilot? Are you setting on the runway of life, or are you in charge, having a destiny to reach with the determination to reach it?
How much time do you invest in YOU? Do you use your mind to design your life or does the circumstances of life form you? So many just let life happen TO them instead of making life happen FOR them.
The majority of the people I meet online are desirous to conduct a home based business, but do not understand that it takes work and determination. The most important work that you can do to succeed is to work on YOU first. Most of us have limiting beliefs that need to be dealt with. Others have lack of understanding of success and what it takes to be successful.
Would you let someone operate on you who was not properly educated, tested, and experienced? Would you let an electrician wire your house who has never been properly educated with the laws of electricity? I know that I would not. How can you expect to succeed without knowing the laws of success?
Here’s what I see: People get all excited about their home based businesses, and start throwing “mud at the wall” hoping that some of it will stick. It’s a game of chance to them because that’s the way they live their lives and this is based on false or limiting beliefs. Then after trying for a month or two they quit! Why do they quit? Because they don’t understand what it takes to succeed! Where would we be if Thomas Edison got discouraged and quit after 100 attempts of trying to develop the light bulb? We would be in the dark! The FACT is that Thomas Edison tried over 10,000 times to get his invention to work! He understood the laws of success and applied them. He controlled his circumstances and did not let his environment control him. He did not listen to the critics; he followed dreams.
Some will challenge me and say that only God is in control, what can we do? Well my friend, the fact is, God is FOR you. If you have some curve balls thrown your way, they are only meant to direct you down a better path. I am not telling you to ignore your environment; I am instructing you to analyze it and use what life doles out to achieve your goals. It’s like an airline pilot; he takes off and maneuvers around storms and turbulence when possible. When he cannot, he doesn’t quit flying! He endures the turbulence until he gets through it, making for a successful flight and landing at his DESIRED destination.
What do you do when the storms of life come your way? Do you quit and give up on your dreams and goals. If you don’t have the stomach for what it takes to succeed, I feel sorry for you. Why? Because you were given everything you need, by God, to be a successful human being. Don’t waste it by being whimpish. Get up, take charge, trust God, and MAKE your life happen; don’t just LET it happen! USE the gifts and talents God has given you. Even the “bad breaks” can serve as tools for your success. Open your eyes and ears or opportunity. Prepare yourself for success. If a door closes, don’t stand in front of it crying because it closed. Look behind you, a bigger and better door is probably opened!
A farmer prepares his fields for harvest. However, would harvest come without preparation? The farmer needs to cultivate the land, sow the seed, and trust God for the rain. That is a successful farmer!
Don’t be so quick to discount God in all of this. The fact is, without God, nothing will happen! The farmer could work his tail off but without God’s kindness and favor to send the rain, his labor would be in vain. Therefore it is paramount that you believe in, trust, and thank God for his role in your life. Gratitude is a key ingredient for success. Don’t try to succeed without it.
Now, take charge of your life. Go to work on dealing with false beliefs, work on improving yourself, help others along the way, and trust in the living God. You will succeed with these ingredients. There is NO doubt.
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