I have decided not to participate in this recession. I believe that you can be influenced by what the news media is dishing out and fall into a state of fear, or you can do what I am doing…trusting God!
I am participating in God’s economy. His economy is an economy of giving and receiving. The more you give, the more you receive. Think about it. If a farmer sows a single kernel of corn he gets back a whole stock of corn with several ears. Those ears of corn contain hundreds of kernels for future sowing and reaping.
Consider an apple. A single seed can produce a tree that contains hundreds of apples and thousands of seeds. God has designed His creation, in such a way, that the one who sows is OVER compensated for his giving.
We live in a dog-eat-dog, competitive society that thinks that there is only so much that can be obtained. The competitive mind believe that the pie is only so big and you have to TAKE from others to get more of what you want.
However, the mind that understands God’s law of sowing a reaping knows that there is no limit to the supply. The supply is only limited by the sowing. No matter what you sow, you will always reap more than what is sown.
The fact is, we live in an abundant universe created by an abundant God. He is so abundant that He cannot stop creating and adding to the universe. Science has determined that this universe is expanding. Why? Because God is abundant and is ever-giving. He can’t help Himself for that is who He is. Whatever he touches grows! He is the ultimate Giver!
Sure, you can trust in your boss, your bank, your credit cards, you parents, but I can assure you their supply will run out! I think that has been proven already. However, when you learn to trust in a living God who is all-sufficient and able to supply superabundantly, then you will know real abundance! Then you will know the supply that never runs dry.
Too many, especially in the self-improvement world, like to leave God out of the mix. They refer to him as nature, the universe, intelligence, power, supreme thought and the like. However, in my book, God is God. He is my source and my supply and because of Him I will not have to participate in this “so-called” recession. How about you? Will you trust God to take care of you? He will, if you ask Him!
Success starts when you recognize your true Source and acknowledge that it is God who gives us power to get wealth. When we acknowledge Him and trust in His economy of giving to receive you will experience, what seems to be, miracles in your live.
Do you want to participate in this recession or God’s economy? The choice is yours. Learn to be a giver. Give of your time, talent, gifts, money, or whatever you can. I assure you that your efforts will come back to you multiplied from some of the most unlikely sources. Go ahead; give it try, you will be amazed!
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