Joseph was a 11th of 12 sons born to his father. One day he had a dream and dreamed that his father, mother, and brothers would all bow down to him one day. Well, needless to day, that offended his family, especially his brothers. How would you react?
Over time his brothers had an opportunity to sell Joseph to some nomads who eventually sold him to a man in Egypt. How could such a thing happen to a young man with such a high dream?
Eventually Joseph found favor in this man’s sight and he was placed over the Egyptian’s household. However, the Egyptian’s wife had “a thing” for Joseph and wanted to have sex with him. Joseph was honorable and refused. As a result the lustful wife became angry and lied, saying that Joseph attempted to rape her. As a result his master became angry with Joseph and ended up putting him into prison.
Joseph eventually found favor with the warden of the prison and was put in charge of the prisoners. One night two of his fellow prisoners had dreams and Joseph used his gift of interpreting dreams and told them the meaning of their dreams; both dreams came true just as interpreted by Jospeh. One man was beheaded and the other was released and returned to his position as the King’s cupbearer.
So far, we see a “dreamer.” Joseph was a man with a dream of greatness, who only seemed to experience one bout of “bad luck” after another. I bet he was wondering if HIS dream would ever become a reality. He had a high and lofty dream but ended up being sold to a foreign land (because of envy) and eventually ended up in prison due to a false witness against him. What a bummer! Even with such events, Joseph always found favor with someone while in his seemly “bad” situation.
Well, the day came when the King of that country had a dream and no one was able to interpret it. It was then that one of his fellow prisoners, who was released, told the King of a man named Joseph and his ability to interpret dreams. The King sent for Joseph who accurately interpreted his dream. The dream and its interpretation was so important that it saved a nation and also saved Joseph’s family, who eventually ended up bowing down to him. Joseph’s dream became a reality!
The story I just wrote about is true and it portrays what you will have to go through in the pursuit of YOUR dream. You will tell others of your dream and they will become jealous and mocking. This normally comes from family members; who mean well, but KNOW that you can’t make it because none of them ever did. They will call you crazy and tell you to give it up!
Then you may be lied about and put into what feels like a prison (isolation). Isolation, because you are on your own, fighting for what you determined to have in life. You are not average; you are determined to be above average. As a result you will find favor, as Joseph did, along the way.
Though, in this prison, you help others achieve their dreams, who might reach theirs before you do because of your help. You get discouraged because it just doesn’t seem to be happening for YOU.
Then the day comes when one of those folks, who you helped realize THEIR dreams, refers you to someone who will change you life forever and, what seems like overnight, you dream becomes a reality.
Well, my friend, this is just the way success works. It is not granted to the faint of heart. It is the prize to those who determine to achieve what is in their heart. The majority quit before they even get started. Others quit just a day, week, month, or year before their dreams could have been realized. But the determined “dreamer” WILL achieve their dreams if they do not lose heart. This is the only way that it can be!
Friend, if you are reading this, I would bet that you are a determined dreamer. I want you to know that your dreams will become a reality if you stay the course, help as many people as you can, and keep on keeping on. I have no doubt that you will get what you are after. The key is, do you doubt? If you do, banish all doubt by thinking and speaking your desires into existence. Focus on what you determine and don’t let anyone tell you that, “It can’t be done!” The fact is, whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
My final word to you is to keep the course. Dream, dream big and dream often. No matter what happens, know that your dreams will come true…if you are determined. May God bless you and give you the determination to reach your goals.
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