I am writing this post because I care about your financial future. I care that you become the person and have the things in life that you desire. I care that you can provide for your family and contribute to those less able to care for themselves. Because I care, I want to share with you a MAGIC WORD that can change your life if you hold it in your thoughts and practice it.
Most people think that in order to have, you must get. The masses focus on what they can get out of life. Employees go to work to see what they can get out of their employers. Employers do whatever they can to get every once of blood out of their employees to increase the bottom line and thus THEIR fortunes. These people will always struggle because they do not know or practice the MAGIC WORD.
The successful do not think like this. They know the MAGIC WORD. They memorized it. They dream about it and, by putting this MAGIC WORD to practice, they become wealthy…extremely wealthy! This MAGIC WORD is key to YOUR wealth as well.
It’s hard to believe that one word, if memorized and practiced, over time could make a person rich. If you are not rich today, chances are you do not know and fully understand the value this MAGIC WORD.
If you can put this MAGIC WORD in your vocabulary and make its practice a PRIORITY in your life I can assure you that you will be wealthy. It is inevitable that you will experience, for REAL, what is only a dream now.
Well, do I have your attention? If so, good! The magic word is: SERVICE.
Without SERVICE, civilization as we know it would stop, for it is based upon the act of service. The more service a person renders, the more money they will make, it’s that simple. If you are going through your day making the bare minimum, chances are you are offering a minimal amount of service. Gaining wealth without service is robbery or luck, if you win a lottery. Real wealth comes from offering more and better service than you are being paid for.
You may say that you are working hard. However, hard work is not the key. If you are working hard providing a service that no one wants, then you need to look at the needs of the people around you and provide a service that meets those needs. Once you provide a service that others need and want, they will flock to you; especially if your service is outstanding.
I could go on forever regarding this topic, but I am sure you get the drift. Our wealth is in direct proportion to the service that we render, it’s that simple.
What should you do now? Memorize, think about, dream of, and practice SERVICE. Consider different ways that you can provide useful service to others. You will not get rich overnight, but in time, with consistent practice, you will start to see this MAGIC WORD work for you. This is particularly true with network marketing.
I represent an organization called Mentoring for Free. We offer free training and support to network marketers who are struggling with their businesses. We will support anyone, in any business, at no charge. Why? We do this because we understand the MAGIC WORD and apply it practically. Let me tell you, it works! It works in network marketing and in all aspects of life.
Write this MAGIC WORD down, memorize it. Speak it every day, several times a day. Above all, practice and get good at practicing it. As you do, you will become wealthy! The world’s economy has little to do with it. Even in a bad economy, people will still need to be served. Your job is to find out what people need and want, then provide THAT to them.
One more thing: When someone provided you with outstanding service; when you got more than what you expected, how did that make you feel? Didn’t you want to tell everyone? The person who gave more than expected was rewarded by referrals. People talk to people and if you serve people with more than they expect, word will travel about you and your business will increase and so will you bank account!
Most people play “lip-service” to the word “service.” But for those who actually carry it out; that is give more in value than they take in cash, they will excel greatly, no matter what the economy is.
Please let me know if I can help in any way.
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