Sunday, December 28, 2008

That's for Me!

What are your deep-seated beliefs about wealth?  When you see someone in the car of your dreams, what do you think?  What is the voice in your saying?  What is your very first reaction?  Are you jealous?  Do you envy him or her?  Do you have any ill feelings what so ever?  If you do, these are indicators that you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from what you desire out of life.

Does that person in the car of your dreams make you mad?  Do you say, “Why is that jerk so lucky”?  Do you wonder whom he or she shafted to get all that money?  “Do they sell drugs?” you think to yourself.  If thoughts like this go through your mind, you are keeping riches from flowing TO you.  Rather they will continue to flow FROM you! 

Your beliefs will make or break you.  It is important that you keep tabs on our thoughts, for they reveal what you REALLY believe.    When those limiting beliefs surface and you identify them you are on the road to the success you seek.  Once identified, you can deal with them.  Therefore keep a watch over your thoughts in relation to money, riches, or wealth. 

Here is something you can practice to deal with those limiting beliefs:  When you see the car of your dreams, don’t think about how the person go it, just proclaim, “That’s for me!”  When you see a house you like, just state, “That’s for me!”  When you see ANYTHING you intend for your life just say, “THAT’S FOR ME!” Shoot, just typing, “That’s for me” makes me feel good!  Do not think about who has it or how they got it.  That doesn’t matter.  What matters is “That’s for me.” 

On a side note:  Negative and positive thoughts cannot occupy the same time and space.  If you condemn others or are jealous of others, and at the same time desire wealth, you are actually wiping out what you desire by criticizing or judging others for what they have.  You have got to learn to bless others and wish them more of what they have.  By doing so, you will rid your thoughts of anything that conflicts with the wealth you seek.  You can’t complain about others being wealthy and expect to gain riches yourself.  It’s impossible!  Your thoughts for the best must be for others as well as yourself.  That way your thoughts are harmonious and will allow your desires to begin to flow to you because you have built no dams to block the flow.

Saying, “That’s for me!” is a very powerful tool to add to your arsenal for success.  It sounds stupid, but try it out and judge for yourself.  Use it often and let me know what you think.


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