Man has the inherent power to grow in any direction that he CHOOSES and as far as I can tell, there is NO LIMIT to the possibilities of his growth. Think about that statement! Only man has the power to grow as he chooses! A dog can be trained to respond to stimuli as many other animals can, but only man can grow and this growth takes place primarily in his mind.
Though man (I include women in that statement), can grow to become more, they often just grow old due to lack of education regarding the proper use of the mind or just plain laziness. This to me is very sad. What a waste to stop growing in the high school and college years and then waste the rest of ones life just being blown around by life’s circumstances.
How can you grow? You grow by dreaming. Become a child again and dream your biggest dream. Dream daily and dream often. You also grow by reading and educating yourself. You grow by seeking for more instead of settling for “what is.” I am a grower. I have grown so much since being involved in network marketing. I read, read, read! I get involved on team calls and get educated and I work on self-improvement all the time. I make the best investment that can be made: The investment in myself! By investing in myself, I gain the ability to invest in others.
You, yes you, have to power to GROW. You can choose the direction that you want to take your life. You can be who and what you want to be. You CAN! Don’t settle for what life throws your way. Decide what you want and who you want to become. Then do what is necessary to achieve the goals you have set.
I am here for you, so contact me anytime. I will go what I can to help you.
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