Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Go-Giver - 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success

Recently I was honored to read an awesome book by Bob Burg and John David Mann called THE GO-GIVER.  The book was life-changing and very easy to ready.  The book is in a story form and it talks about the five laws of stratospheric success.  These laws are:

  • The Law of Value - Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
  • The Law of Compensation - Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
  • The Law of Influence - Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other peoples interests first.
  • The Law of Authenticity - The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
  • The Law of Receptivity - The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
These five laws are unfolded in this tale of a man in search of success.  It's laughable, by some, that the secret of success is giving.  If you want to read something that you can't put down and will change the way you see things, get a copy of THE GO-GIVER today!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Scam of Buying Leads

If you are buying leads; STOP IT!  Buying leads is one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the internet.  I have purchased leads and they ended up being worthless.  I also think that Solo Ads and such are a waste of money as well.  These ads go out to the same people who, quite frankly, are tired of all the offers dumped in their email inboxes on a daily basis.

I know a lady in Florida that spend over $25,000 buying leads and never received one once of residual income from doing so.  If your upline is instructing you to buy leads; maybe it's time to fire them and find someone who will show you how to advertise for free.

Frankly, network marketing is simple.  Build relationships and they will come.  I am not talking about making lists of family or friends; I am talking about building relationships online for FREE!  Nothing tops a relationship, period!

If you are interested, I will teach you, for free, how to build relationships online through social networking.  It's time consuming, but well worth it.  I have met some awesome people doing this and it just plain works.

But the point of this post is to get you to STOP BUYING LEADS.  Save your money and the frustration of going nowhere fast.  There are some links on this blog to some great social network sites for network marketers.  Also you can use Face Book, You Tube, and My Space to build awesome relationships.  More about this in a future post.

Be Honest - You Need Help

Network marketing is a great business, but so many NEED help and don't know where to turn.  I was in those shoes and know how it feels.  

Do you need help?  Don't be afraid to ask!  One day I was online, totally frustrated and I met someone who actually cared; who actually took time to help me.  I was suspicious, but as I talked to her, I realized that she was sincere.

She was part of a system called Mentoring for Free.  She invited me to download the eBook Success in 10 Steps, which I did.  That eBook, which was free, changed my life.  

Do you NEED help?  Are you WILLING to confess you are not making it?  Do you know WHY you are struggling?  If you want to change the way things are going do yourself a big favor and get your copy of Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy.  The eBook is free but the contents are priceless.

Focus is Key to Build Success in Network Marketing

I think one of the main problems I see in the network marketing community is focus.  I also think that this is on of the primary reasons for failure in our industry.  97% of network marketers never see their dreams become a reality; partly because of focus.

One of the buzzwords or phrases in network marketing is "multiple streams of income."  This is interpreted as getting into several "opportunities" and try to get income from all of them.  To me, this is nuts!  Until you MASTER one business it is unwise to do another.  I believe razor-sharp focus is paramount for all beginning network marketers.  Master one business; do it well and amass your fortune.  Take the money from your network marketing earnings and invest in real estate and stocks.  Your investments will produce the multiple streams of income you seek.

Don't fall into the trap of scattering your energy.  Find a good 5-pillar company and focus on building that your organization until you become an expert.  Then and only then should you consider doing something else.

Also, by being involved with multiple "opportunities" your are giving the wrong impression to others.  You are telling people that you are flighty and can't be relied upon.  People join people.  they join people they can trust.  People like stability.  Don't be a jumper (going from business to business) and don't have your hands in too many things.  Your multi-tasking is NOT duplicatable.  If what you do cannot by duplicated by ANYONE; don't do it.

The primary question people have on there mind when considering joining a business is: "Can I do this and will you help me?"  If you are scattered in your focus you will not be able to help anyone.

Therefore, my advice to you is to stop the madness and focus.  When you focus; watch your business grow.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Power of One

My passion is to augment the lives of everyone I meet.  I love being a blessing to others and helping them succeed in all areas of life.  What helps me fulfill this passion is network marketing. Through this awesome business, I am able to affect lives all over the world.  

You to can have a dramatic impact on others.  How?  You can impact others by taking one action, using your particular gifts and talents, to add to the life of those with whom you come in contact.  You are just one person, but you can make a huge difference by just one act of kindness.  These are the "one actions" that have had dramatic impact on my life and enabled me to impact others lives for the good...

The Power of One:

One Book
One Mentor
One Soul-Mate
One Good Friend
One Commitment
One Action
One Decision
One Phone Call
One Proven System
One Plan Of Daily Action
One Life To Live
One Path To Stay On.
One Way To Build Your Business, Relationships.

One Movie

One Conference Call

Your One Action can and will Impact Thousands
when You Get It From Your Head To Your Heart.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cash Gifting Programs - Beware!

I am sure you have seen them. The guy or gal in the video opening a FedEx envelope full of $100 bills. I would like to warn you that these programs are a SCAM and they are illegal! If you get involved in one of these programs, you could end up in jail!

The first clue that something fishy is going on is the receiving of cash. Why are they sending cash? Why not a check? Cash cannot be traced and therefore can be hidden from the IRS as income. I am sure the IRS would frown of that! Secondly, there are no products associated with these programs. What are they doing to EARN this money? What are they giving in exchange for this money? They claim that there are no products, training, meetings, etc. The whole thing is being done under a veil of deception. No websites, no phone numbers, just private invitations. I smell a rat folks!

These scamsters will tell you that no one has ever been caught...YET! The fact is that there are thousands of scams being promoted on the internet and the government is working as fast as they can to deal with them. To me, it's just a matter of time before someone goes down for these gifting programs; don't let it be YOU.

If you want to make money, do it ethically, legally, and in a way that serves the people. Be part of an opportunty that offers great products or services in exchange for the money you receive. You will evenually become successful and at the same time be able to sleep at night.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Discouragement - The Test of Success

It is not uncommon for network marketers to experience discouragement.  Discouragement often comes when you are trying to break out of the box.  When you are reaching for your dreams you are doing something that 97% of the population never does.  Dreaming is one thing; taking action to make those dreams come true is quite another.

Thomas Edison, no doubt, got discouraged when trying to discover the way to make the incandescent work.  He tried over 10,000 times!  Even though would get discouraged he kept on trying until the answer came...and it did!  

Napoleon Hill, author of THINK AND GROW RICH, got discouraged while trying to come up with the success formula to riches.  He spend over 20 years studying over 500 of the wealthiest people on the planet to come up with his now famous formula for success.  Though he was ridiculed for his attempt to do such a work, he kept on going until he succeeded.  Dr. Hill has probably produced more millionaires through his work than we will ever know.  Did he let discouragement keep him down?  If it did, the world would be a different place today.

My point is that discouragement must and will come.  It's what you do with it that makes all the difference.  God rewards those who persevere when others would just quit, and most will.

Are you a quitter, or are you one of the 3% that will fight on against all odds?  I can assure you that is you conquer discouragement you WILL eventually find the success you seek; you will reach the dreams you long for.

Friday, June 13, 2008

MLM Prelaunch Opportunities - The Odds Are Against Success

Headline:  Prelaunch opportunity.  Get on the ground floor of this exciting new business and make the big bucks!  The time is now!  If you wait, you will be sorry. 

Here is what I do when I hear of a prelaunch opportunity.  I make sure my shoes are laced up tight and run! I don’t run toward the so-called opportunity; I run as far away FROM it as I can.

The failure rate of startup companies in the MLM world is 80%-90% the first year!  I have read that after two years, 1 in 100 start-up MLM companies will still be around to send you your check.  That is a 1% chance of survival.  You have a better chance of success in front of a slot machine in Vegas than you would with a prelaunch opportunity. 

If you are looking for an chance of success in MLM, I would look at a company that has been around longer than 2 years.  I would also talk to affiliates of that company and see if anyone is actually making money. 

To put it to you bluntly, a prelaunch is a gamble and the odds are stacked against you of coming out of it a winner.  I have been in several prelaunch opportunities and every one of them ended up being duds.  I have spent thousands before I learned the lesson.

One day, as I was failing and totally frustrated; I came across an eBook that changed everything for me.  The eBook is called, Success in 10 Steps, by Michael Dlouhy.   It is the best book on the subject of network marketing that I ever read, and it was free.  I would suggest you pick up your copy today.  Save yourself years of frustration and countless dollars in wasted advertising.  The enlightenment in this FREE eBook is priceless.  And whatever you do, don’t fall for the prelaunch hype!

MLM Policies & Procedures - Be Sure to Read Them

Have you read the policies and procedures of your current MLM business?  Before you continue to invest time and money into your business, I would suggest you do so right away.

The MLM landscape is changing drastically.  More and more companies are choosing to promote their products and services via the network marketing model because it is so effective.  However, a lot of these companies do not have a clue what they are doing.  Many of them are being run by MBA’s and company executives that were never in the trenches building a network marketing business.  Big deal you may say.  Well, it is a big deal.  I would rather be part of a company that has a guy or gal at the helm that has been where I am. These folks will be less likely to take advantage of the MLM’er when they start making good money; which brings me to my topic…

Many Policies and Procedures (PNP’s) are loaded with all kinds of verbiage that can be used, in the future, to take you hard earned money away from you.  Don’t think this hasn’t happened.  It happens all the time.  The more wordy the Policy and Procedures are, the bigger chance you have of getting screwed!  There is a magic word in many PNP’s that can be used against you; and that word is “ongoing.”

Many PNP’s state that you have to have “ongoing sales and/or recruiting” to stay qualified to receive your checks.  That means, if you want to retire—forget it!  I don’t know about you; I plan to retire!  So, like a said, look at your PNP’s to make sure that little word “ongoing” in not in there, and if it is, how is it being used.  I just told you one little trick that many MLM’s are using.  There is many more; too many to even contemplate in this short article. 

My goal here is to get you to read you PNP’s.  I know a few people that have been ripped off because the MLM companies that they represented decided to enforce their PNP’s.  They didn’t do it when the checks were small; they waited until they get to be several thousand a month and if they need to, they will take your money.  I don’t think these companies plan to do this.  It’s just their insurance policy if they get too reckless in the management of the company and need your money to stay afloat.

Some MLM companies state that they can terminate you within 30 days written notice for not reason.  Others change their compensation plans multiple times—usually not in favor of the network marketer.  If this is going on…jump ship before it sinks!

My advise to you is before joining a company to market their products or services you better read the PNP’s.  Make sure they are geared for your success.  Make sure you can retire when you desire and still draw a check.  Make sure you can pass your business on to your children if you so desire to do so.  Make sure you can directly sponsor family members. 

If you are in a business that is not friendly toward the MLM’er; maybe you should consider your options now.  It is better to know now, then to be a statistic later.  So, get going, read your Policies and Procedures.  Have you read the policies and procedures of your current MLM business?  Before you continue to invest time and money into your business, I would suggest you do so right away.

The MLM landscape is changing drastically.  More and more companies are choosing to promote their products and services via the network marketing model because it is so effective.  However, a lot of these companies do not have a clue what they are doing.  Many of them are being run by MBA’s and company executives that were never in the trenches building a network marketing business.  Big deal you may say.  Well, it is a big deal.  I would rather be part of a company that has a guy or gal at the helm that has been where I am. These folks will be less likely to take advantage of the MLM’er when they start making good money; which brings me to my topic…

Many Policies and Procedures (PNP’s) are loaded with all kinds of verbiage that can be used, in the future, to take you hard earned money away from you.  Don’t think this hasn’t happened.  It happens all the time.  The more wordy the Policy and Procedures are, the bigger chance you have of getting screwed!  There is a magic word in many PNP’s that can be used against you; and that word is “ongoing.”

Many PNP’s state that you have to have “ongoing sales and/or recruiting” to stay qualified to receive your checks.  That means, if you want to retire—forget it!  I don’t know about you; I plan to retire!  So, like a said, look at your PNP’s to make sure that little word “ongoing” in not in there, and if it is, how is it being used.  I just told you one little trick that many MLM’s are using.  There is many more; too many to even contemplate in this short article. 

My goal here is to get you to read you PNP’s.  I know a few people that have been ripped off because the MLM companies that they represented decided to enforce their PNP’s.  They didn’t do it when the checks were small; they waited until they get to be several thousand a month and if they need to, they will take your money.  I don’t think these companies plan to do this.  It’s just their insurance policy if they get too reckless in the management of the company and need your money to stay afloat.

Some MLM companies state that they can terminate you within 30 days written notice.  Others change their compensation plans multiple times—usually not in favor of the network marketer.  If this is going on…jump ship before it sinks!

My advise to you is before joining a company to market their products or services you better read the PNP’s.  Make sure they are geared for your success.  Make sure you can retire when you desire and still draw a check.  Make sure you can pass your business on to your children if you so desire to do so.  Make sure you can directly sponsor family members. 

If you are in a business that is not friendly toward the MLM’er; maybe you should consider your options now.  It is better to know now, then to be a statistic later.  So, get going, read your Policies and Procedures.  It may save you your career in MLM.

Most people do not read the PNP’s, and the MLM lawyers are counting on that.  So do me a favor…disappoint them! 

Avoid Vampire Marketers or it Will Cost You

Vampire marketing seems to be the rage since network marketing hit the internet.  Vampire marketers are those who attract you by all the promises of big money, no effort, no sales, no phone calls, no meetings, just join their “opportunity,” kick back and watch the big bucks flow into your bank account automatically—while you sleep.  After attracting someone into their program, they take off for new “victims.”  In the aftermath their “victims” become discouraged because they don’t know what to do or they are “trained” to be a vampire themselves.

Vampire marketing is not network marketing at.  It is making a sale, collecting a check, making another sale, collecting another check, and the cycle never ends.  There is no residual income with vampire marketing.  Vampire marketing requires constant direct sales to earn an income.  If you ever quit, so does your income…bummer!

Another trait of Vampire marketing is the countless dollars you need to spend to advertise.  Since sales are so crucial to the vampire marketer they need to advertise constantly through solo ads, ad words, magazine co-ops, and other pay methods.  You need a huge advertising budget to be a vampire marketer and the average person  (like you and I) just can’t afford it.  Therefore, only the very successful vampire marketers make the big bucks.  Their ads emphasize money; big money, expensive cars, huge houses and the like.  I just wonder if they really own them!  I say this because many are fakes.  You can cut a paste a successful allusion of success anytime.  They believe in faking it ‘til you make it.  This is deception!

This MLM success secret is that you must learn is avoid vampire marketers, at all costs, and do not become one yourself.  There IS a better way…become a network marketer.  Network marketing is different than vampire marketing.  Network marketing is based on relationships, teamwork, giving, and receiving.  Network marketing focuses on people success, not money.  True wealth is the result of serving people.  When you truly serve people and EARN their trust, success is automatic.  Network marketers have a loyal following and earn high residual income checks.  Successful network marketers realize that they cannot build their businesses on their own.  They believe in teamwork. They build businesses that they can live off of after retirement.  In many cases their children and grandchildren will enjoy the success of a true network marketer long after he or she pass on.

Serving people and helping them reach their dreams will issue in the highest form of success. A person with a mentor’s heart attracts wealth—it’s a law!  God rewards those who help their fellow man—that’s a fact!

Therefore to have genuine MLM success, avoid the vampire marketer and only involve yourself with network marketers—people who serve people and gain lasting wealth by doing so.  

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Personality Types - How to Identify Them

Identifying personality types is critical to understanding others and being understood by them.  I know many of you are familiar with the four main personality types.  You have probably heard them labeled with weird names that you can barely pronounce.  But I have learned them as four colors.  The four colors of personality are: Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red. 

You can increase your success in network marketing by knowing your color, the color of your prospects and team members.  This will help you better communicate with those with whom you come in contact.  The more you understand this technology, the more successful you will become.  Now let’s take a look at these colorful personality types:

Yellows make up 35% of the population and are open in indirect in nature.  Their motto is, "Let's be friends."  They are usually teachers, nurses, counselors, daycare workers and the like.  They are casual and comfortable dressers and Yellows have a soft and gentle voice.

The strengths of a Yellow are in the fact that they are dependable, team players, patient, supportive and nurturing.  Their weaknesses include over-sensitivity, followers, and they are not goal oriented.  Yellows take things way too personal!

Keywords for the Yellow are: Teamwork, together, relationships and family.  The dislikes of the Yellow are pushy people, bullies and conflict.

The next personality color is Blue (like me!).  Blue's make up 15% of the population and are open and direct.  The motto of the Blue is, "Let's have fun!"  The common occupations of a Blue are sales, entertainment, and public speaking.  The Blue's voice is loud and fast...really fast!  They are easily excited! Blue's dress is stylish, colorful and flamboyant. 

The strengths of the Blue are in the fact that they are promoters, convincing, enthusiastic, creative, and high in energy.  Blue’s run like freight trains and try to do 50 things at once.

The weakness of the Blue is that they talk too much.  They will talk over you and out-talk you.  Silence with a Blue is not golden.  Blue’s are poor savers and follow-uppers. Blue's are unorganized (you should see my desk) and exaggerate (I try not to, really!). 

The keywords of a Blue are fun, awesome, and excitement.  The Blue's dislike not having fun, facts and figures, too much detail, being alone and did I mention, not having fun!


Next in line are the Green's.  Green's make up 35% of the population and are indirect like the Yellow's but self-contained.  The motto of the Green's is "Let me have the facts and figures...all of them!"  They people can drive the Blue's crazy!

Green's are usually accountants, engineers, researchers and have a soft and polite voice.  Green's dress conservative and formal.

The strengths of the Green's are that they are organized, planners, accurate, and persistent with great follow-through.  Their weaknesses are in being over-analytical, hard to please, depressed (I wonder why), and lonely.

The keywords that a Green would use are: Why, graphs, charts, research, exactly.

Dislikes of the Green are pushy people, no facts, and being late.

Last but not least are the Red's. Why did I put them irritate them!  Red’s make up 15% of the population and their motto is, "Get out of my way!"  Red's usually occupy the positions of CEO, attorney, airline pilot, name buildings after themselves and like to be called "The Donald!"  Red’s are direct and self-contained.

The speech of the Red is forceful with volume...can you hear me!  The strengths of the Red's are in the fact that they are focused, goal oriented and intense.

Yes, the Red's have weaknesses, but they will never admit it.  The weaknesses of the Red’s are: Ego, short tempered, domineering, impatient, and un-coachable.  You just can't teach them anything!

Keywords to look for in a Red are: Money, money, and more money, power, control and they are too the point.  Red's hate indecision, chit-chat and the feeling of losing control.

Again, why study personality types?  Because if you know how to relate to each person that you talk to, you will be more successful.  After all, isn’t that what we all want?

Beware of MLM Scam Artists

Recently I was presented with an "opportunity" with some pretty wild claims. Their claims made my blood boil! Why? Everyday I here of people who have bought into the claims I will present here. As a result they get burnt out trying to make their business work. They then proceed to blame themselves and quit! I hate to see good people give up on their dreams. I am on a mission to help people experience real success. I want to explain to people that failure is not their fault. They just didn't do all their homework, that's all. Anyone, with a dream, some determination and willingness to learn can succeed in the world of network marketing. So let's get into the heart of this posting...

What “opportunities” are destined to fail? So called “opportunities” that give you this laundry list of pure cow dung:

• No Hype (Yeah…right!)
• No Selling (Give me a break!)
• No Convincing (really?)
• No MLM or Networking (What a joke!)• No autoships (What’s wrong with autoship?)
• No Potions or Pills (Hey, don’t knock nutrition pal!)
• No Explaining (Oh, you are marketing to rocks?)
• No upline or downline (Lone ranger)

People who promote scams like this are probably abject failures themselves or were duped to believe that they can build a business without some of the things mentioned above. Let’s cover these “so-called” no-no’s:

No hype. I am all for NO HYPE, but those who promote businesses that take out the human element are FULL of hype! They claim that money just shows up in your bank account automatically. I believe this can happen, but not like they claim it does.

No selling or convincing. Sales are a wonderful thing. As a matter of fact, NOTHING happens without a sale (period). Not one product moves on this planet without sales being involved. Most of us have been selling or convincing people all of our lives and aren’t even aware of it. We started as babies when we cried for your milk or something else we wanted. Even a baby has to convince its mother that he or she is hungry! The FACT is if you are in business, selling, of some type, is involved.I agree that no one likes to by sold, but they sure do LOVE to buy. Our job is to help others “buy” what they want. That’s real sales; helping people get what they desire. In any business endeavor there is always some level of convincing involved.

No MLM or Networking. MLM or Network marketing is the greatest invention of all time. Network marketing has been in existence since the beginning of time. What do we do as network marketers? We recommend products and services that we believe in, and get paid for doing it. Believe it or not, we have been network marketing all of our lives. Even as kids we were recommending to our parents what we wanted them to get us. We recommend restaurants, automobiles, cell phones, computers, food, etc. to friends or family ALL THE TIME and don’t get paid for it. Smart companies chose the network marketing vehicle because word of mouth is the BEST form of advertising. Why pay the media millions of dollars for wishful advertising when you can get the best: Word of Mouth? So, Mr. Anti-Network Marketing, how do you promote your business? I can assure you that it’s through some form of network marketing.

No Autoships. All right, I confess; I am on an autoship! I promote nutritional products. They are awesome products and I WANT them every month. Instead of paying GNC for my nutritionals, I get them from MY company. I am actually reallocating money I was already spending on health to my autoship and make money in the process. That’s just good business sense. People who demean autoships just don’t get it! They don’t understand network marketing and how it works. Bottom line, it’s the autoships that make it all work and that make it possible to RETIRE! Please tell me Mr. Anti-autoship, All-wise Guru, “How are you going to retire if you have to keep promoting your so called “opportunity to make money?” Simple answer, you are not! Without residual income, you just have another job, Pal!

No Pills and Potions. Chances are that the Wise Guy doing an anti-pill/potion campaign is taking them! They buy theirs from the local GNC or health food store and don’t make a dime doing so. With the aging baby-boomers and all their health problems, I think promoting “pills and potions” is a good idea. The so-called pills and potions are in HIGH DEMAND. Wake up Mr. Scam-man! You better get on the bandwagon while there is still time.

No Explaining. These get-rich-quick schemsters actual believe that you don’t have to explain things to people? Are you afraid of human beings? What is wrong with explaining to a fellow human how to make money in a LEGITIMATE business? You are kidding yourself if you think no explaining is necessary! In every walk of life, things need to be explained. Heck, I am typing on my new iMac after being on a P.C. for over 20 years…and I will be the first to confess that I needed some explaining! People join people and NOT businesses. Why? PEOPLE need coaching and guidance to build their business. It’s totally absurd to think you can build any business without mentoring others.

No Uplines/Downlines. We call that in my business, “support.” These scam-masters make it sound like people are a disease or something. Let's get real. people NEED the support of an upline and NEED to support their downline.

People who promote businesses with the claims mentioned in this article are “lone rangers.” They go from opportunity to opportunity at the expense of the uneducated wealth seeker. They bring people who are unsuspecting into these scams, take their money and run to the next sucker. This is maddening!

This is a tough article and some will have a hard time swallowing it. But what I speak is what I learned from the school of hard knocks. If you want to be successful… making real money in a real business, do your homework:

• Google the person who is promoting the opportunity.
• Google the business opportunity itself.
• Google the leaders of the opportunity.
• Do they promote legitimate products?
• Is it an illegal pyramid scheme or gifting program?
• Do they have a mentoring program in place
• Do they have a duplicatable system in place?
• Go to and see what you can find out about them.

Don’t fall for empty promises. Remember, if it’s too good to be true; it probably isn’t. My heart is to save the reader years of grief and giving up on their dreams. True 5-pillar network marketing companies are out there. Find them and you can achieve your dreams.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Success Starts on the Inside

Most people have it all wrong. They try to copy what others do and expect to get the same results. That may work for a short time, but true success starts on the inside. I teach people that outward doings will not produce lasting results. The first thing we have to do to gain lasting success is change our way of thinking.

It is said that we become what we think about. Our thoughts need to change. When they do, our world will change with them. One of the most powerful ways to change is the stop allowing the negative influences from without penetrate our mind. If you are a news junkie, you are in big trouble. I seldom hear good news on TV or the radio. CNN should be call, "Constant Negative News."

I hate listening to news or reading anything negative. Though this "bad news" may be a reality for others, it does not have to be for you. If you allow the garbage of the world to get into your thoughts you will live out the same. The trash that gets into our minds will come out of our mouth. When that happens, creation takes place. As we speak negative things we create for ourselves a negative world and thus end up with a less then desirable life.

How do you achieve success? Keep yourself positive. Invest in YOU. Read positive books everyday...yes everyday! Develop a good and healthy self-talk. Have you ever listened to the way to talk to yourself? If not, take a few days and listen. You will be surprised. No wonder success escapes so many. They talk themselves down and speak things into being by their demeaning self-talk. Change your inward talk and you will change your life. One of the best ways to do this is, like I said, invest in YOU. Purchase good books and audio programs. Shut off the radio in your car. Skip the news; you don't need it. Lose the newspaper and steer clear of gossip.

Recently I joined the 30 Day Mental Cleanse by Mentoring for Free. What a life-changing experience. I recommend it to everyone who wants to see their dreams become a reality. To find out more, send me a private email and I will fill you in on how to get involved.I also recommend a few good books that will greatly help you in your quest for success:

  • Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
  • Beach Money, Jordan Adler
  • Mach II With Your Hair on Fire, Richard B. Brooke
  • The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
  • The Go-Giver, Bob Berg & John David Mann

These are great books for network marketers and will help you clean up your inner you. Change your thoughts and your whole world will change.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Are You Coachable?

One of the very first things I would like to ask is: "Are you coachable?"  This is a fair question because to earn someone's time, you must be willing to be mentored; you must be coachable.  A coach is not a friend; he or she has more important concerns. 

What is the difference between a mentor and a friend?  A friend cares about your FEELINGS and a mentor cares about your FUTURE.  What I care about is your future.  I would love to be your friend, but if it's just friendship you want, you would be better off at facebook or some other social networking site.

What you will find here is honest advice, encouragement, and straight-talk.  I will share things with your that will help YOU grow as well as your BUSINESS.  Here you will learn not WHAT to think, but HOW to think.

Speaking of thinking.  Do you know what percentage of people actually think?  You would be surprised.  Most people don't think; they react.  Thinking is rare, but it's the thinkers that have the freedom that YOU desire.  I will teach you HOW to think through my personal coaching and that of my team.

Do consider your coachability.  Without it; you will unlikely find the success you seek.  Network marketing is not a one man show.  It takes a team to succeed and this team needs to be coachable; willing to follow those who have a proven system of success.  

I talk to many people; people who are failing and ask for help.  However, once they find out what it takes to succeed; they disappear.  They seek after "the breaks" and never realize that they had one in the person who was willing to coach them.  First and foremost, to succeed in network marketing you must be coachable.

That's it for my opening word.  Enjoy the rest of the blogs and feel free to comment and contact me anytime.  I am here for YOU!

-Michael Puskas