Understanding the Law of Duality will greatly help you in your business and life. The Law of Duality says that there are two sides to everything. Another way to say it is that there are opposites of everything:
Good and Evil
Light and Darkness
Right and Left
North and South
Front and Back
Past and Future
Up and Down
This list represents only a very few of the examples of the Law of Duality. With each side, the other would not exist. The combination of the two is what we call reality.
Take for example a $5 bill. If I held one up, you might see Abraham Lincoln and I would argue that I see the Lincoln Memorial, but the reality is that what we are both looking at is a $5 bill. We are looking the SAME THING from different perspectives.
Right now you may be suffering some failure with you business, but there is another side that exists called a success. In other words, if failure exists, so does success. You just have to look at your apparent failure differently. In other words, when you change the way that you see your world, your world will change. Thomas Edison is a perfect example of this. He suffered over 10,000 “apparent” failures when trying to create a working incandescent light blub. However, in his view they were not failures, but over 10,000 ways that did not work. He felt that each “failure” led him closer to the success that he was seeking. He understood the Law of Duality. Failure if PROOF that success exists and it’s just a matter of time before that success is discovered. The reality is that his apparent failures led him to discover the secret of getting the filament to say lit for a long period of time. He succeeded because he understood that if failure is present, so must success be present. He just had to look at things differently until he discovered it.
There is a reality, that in order to succeed, failure must exist and you must experience your share of it. The greater the apparent failure is, the greater the success. The determining factor is; will you quit? You will never quit if you KNOW the Law of Duality. Because the reality is that failure means success exists and in time, if you don’t quit, you will experience this reality. With this law in view, apparent failure should encourage you to press on, because your success is inevitable.
If there is good, there must be evil. If there is light, there must be darkness. If there is a left, there must be a right. If there is a north, there must be a south. If there is a front, there must be a back. If there is a past, there must be a future. If there is an up, there must be a down. IF THERE IS FAILURE, THERE MUST BE SUCCESS. Your success might be as simple as changing the perspective of your view of life. Get excited when failure comes; that just means success in just around the corner. Just be sure not to give up. You may have to make adjustments along the way, but NEVER give up because there is a law and this law is as real as the Law of Gravity. This amazing law, I call, the Law of Duality is awesome!
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