If you really want to find success, you need to get real. What I mean by that is that you need to be authentic. You need to be who you are. You need to be you.
From my early years I can remember wanting to be like someone else. Someone other than I am. I wanted to be like someone, who I perceived, was better than me, more gifted than me, more talented than me. If you want a miserable life, then just try to be someone you are not. You can strive all you want to be like someone else and I can tell you that you never will. You were never meant to be anyone other than you.
You are special. You were created by God and there are, and never will be anyone like you. You have special gifts and talents that no one else has, and with those you can change the world around you. God gave you everything you need to be a successful human being and a great contributor of mankind. I have seen some of the most handicapped people on this plant achieve greatness by accepting who they are and finding what their gifts and talents and USING them. It’s easy to cry, “Why me?” Why not you? Why not take what you have, be real, be authentic, and go to work to build a great life.
The best way to build your home based business is to accept yourself as God made you. Love yourself and you will be able to love others. You will be able to serve others and build an awesome business. Service to others is the key to success in network marketing, or any business for that matter. If you can take your eyes off the money and focus on serving people, money will never be a problem, at least in the long run. Sure, you may be struggling now, but don’t give up and serve people authentically and you will win at the end.
Whatever you do, be authentic. People love “real” people. They like to hear that you struggled and how you fought through to victories. People don’t need some “super hero,” they need you as you are, with your genuine strengths and non-strengths. They want to know that you will be there for them and help them through their battles. It feels so good to be in the company of authentic people who truly want to help.
I am not a “guru,” but I genuinely want to help people. I am not Superman; I am a common man with an uncommon desire to succeed. How about you? Don’t fake it until you make it, just be genuine, seek help, and learn what you can and you will be an awesome success over time. When in the company of others, be genuine because you are perfect just the way you are.
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