Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Rich Quick - Forget It!

The Internet is filled with promises of getting rich quick.  Actually MOST offers are in this category.  They take your money and promise that you will make hundred or thousands of dollars a week with little or no effort.  They tell you that money just flows into your bank account while you are sleeping or playing.  They claim that “their system” is automatic and gives the illusion of ease.  DO NOT BE FOOLED!

The richest and wisest man that ever lived, Solomon, said, “He that tills the land shall be satisfied with bread, but he that follows vain persons is void of understanding” Proverbs 28:19.  There is no way you will ever succeed and become wealthy unless you are ready to “till the land.”  Success requires diligence and understanding.  That’s why millions of people fall for these get-rich-quick schemes.  Quite honestly, they make me sick!  People with little money literally flush that cash down the toilet of these “get-it-now” schemes. 

Do you really want to have financial freedom?  Are you willing to pay the price to get it?  If not, keep your day job.  However, if you want to obtain great wealth, you can.  However you have to put forth some effort to till the land.  You will have to make the calls, promote your business by word or mouth, and even spend some money (wisely of course) for advertising or promotion.  You will have to be willing to be mentored when and seek instruction when needed.  You cannot succeed by yourself.  Every once of success you achieve will ALWAYS be through and with others help.

So, save your money.  Your computer will not make money for you IF you don’t first till the ground.   We are living in a time where people are getting nervous about their future financial situation.  Many are relying on jobs that will disappear as the economy worsens.  There is still hope for you to make money online promoting legitimate products and services.  If you are looking for a business opportunity that will produce an income by promoting products that literally millions of people already use, please contact me.  I will not promise you something for nothing.  But I will promise to help you achieve your goals if you are willing to be coached and “till the ground” until you achieve your desired goals.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Provision Brings Vision to Fruition

The Bible says, “Without a vision, the people perish.”  Without a vision we are just like a paper blown in the wind.  Without a vision we don’t know where we are going and thus will never live a productive fruitful life.

A person of vision has an aim and knows where he wants to go.  He may not be sure of the best way, but he has a general idea.  On his journey will have to make several course corrections, but eventually he will get to his destiny just because he as a vision.

However, it is impossible to reach your vision without provision.  You need a means to reach your goal or destiny.  Provision is the act of supplying.  No matter what your journey you need supply.  To drive to Atlanta from Columbus, Ohio, you will need, at least, a car and gasoline.  You will also need some money for food and drink.  That is what we mean by provision.

To build a successful business, you will need provision as well.  It is amazing how many people think they can start a business with no money.  They have a mentality that you can be a millionaire without provision.  I always tell people, if you need money, you need to find the provision.

Let me ask you a question?  Where does you provision come from?  The Bible says that it is God who “gives you power to get wealth.”  It does not say that God gives wealth, but rather He gives you power or ability to get wealth.

When it came time to pay the temple tax, Jesus didn’t hand Peter the money on a silver platter.  Rather he told him to go fishing and the first fish that came up would have a coin in its mouth to pay the temple tax for Him and Peter.  You see, God doesn’t have money, but He knows where to find it.  Also, Jesus didn’t tell Peter to go hunting for the provision, for Peter was not a hunter.  Rather He told him to go fishing because Peter was an expert fisherman.  The lesson to learn from this is that there is provision to fulfill your vision; you just need to come to God so He can show you where to find the provision to reach your vision.  He will most likely instruct you to use something you already have in your possession to get the provision you need.  He also, if you ask Him, may send someone to you with the provision you need or you will come in contact with such a person.

If you are in lack, you must come to the Source of all wisdom and knowledge to find provision that will bring your vision to fruition.  That source is God.  It is not the Universe, Infinite Intelligence or your Inner Self; rather it is God Himself.  God is a person, for we were made in His image and likeness.  Come to Him is you are in lack and seek Him for the means of the provision you need to fulfill your vision.  This may offend some who don’t believe in God, but I must write the truth.  God is awesome and He knows where all to provision you will ever need is located.

So, if you think you can reach your dream, vision, or goal without provision, it will never happen.  Seek the Source of all provision and before you know it you will bring your vision to fruition.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My primary business is offering something that is too exciting to pass up.

Summer is coming and it's a great time to shrink-it!  Shrink your waistline that is!  Not only will this program get you in shape and feeling good, you can make money promoting it to others.

My wife and I lost a combined 90 pounds using these great tasting products and you can too and make extra money promoting these products to others.

Do you know 25 people with weight challenges?  If you do, you can make and extra $500 per month!  I don't know about you, but most people I know have weight problems and diets just don't work, but healthy lifestyles do.

Take a look at this offer and let me know what you think.  Go HERE now!