Choice is unique to human beings. We can actually choose the kind of life that we desire. Animals cannot choose, they just respond to the stimuli in their environment and act according to instinct. Come to think of it, that reminds me of most of the humans I know!
You, yes YOU can choose. You can choose to be happy or sad. You can choose to be good or bad. You can choose to be wealthy or in lack. Your life, to date, is the sum total of your choices. You can’t blame ANYONE or ANYTING for the way your life has thus turned out. You have to look in the mirror and take total responsibility because the life you live is your choice—for better or worse.
I have good news for you; you can re-choice! You can make different choices and change the outcome of your life. Don’t be like a dog that just reacts to the environment, exercise your will and make a great choices. You can be a looser or a chooser; it’s totally up to you. You can choose to watch CNN (Constant Negative News) or you can read a good book like THE GO-GIVER or THE SLEIGHT EDGE or BEACH MONEY. You can choose to fill you mind with possibilities or complain about the world and everything in it. You can take action to make a difference or you can let the environment take action on you. You can mold or be molded. The choice is ALWAYS yours.
Humans have a tendency to give up their humanness and act like cattle, just following the herd. I like what my coworker says, “Look at where the crowds are going and choose the opposite direction!” Don’t sacrifice your right to make good choices by playing it “safe” and following the crowd. Jesus said, “Narrow is the way.” The crowds don’t take the narrow way; they go the broad and easy way. The crowds are making easy, mindless choices; they are mindlessly following the crowd to NOWHERE! They do their jobs, come home and mindlessly sit in front of the boob tube or surf the net and then go to bed only to get up the next morning and do this insanity all over again! There are different choices one can make those choices can change everything.
What kind of life do you want? Do you want to be common or extraordinary? Do you want to make a difference during your stay on earth or just follow the crowd? You have to choose. You may not be where you want to be right now, but you can re-choice! Don’t be a loser and cop-out of making a choice to be above the crowd, to be a better person who will make a difference.
To be a re-choicer, you must have faith. What is faith? Faith believes the incredible, sees the invisible and receives the impossible. Your faith should not be misguided. Your faith must be in God who, according to the Bible, “Calls things not being, as being.” God is the source of all. He made you. He made you with the ability to choose. He gave you the power to make good choices, choices that can produce good results. He even gave you the power to make great choices that will issue in stratospheric results! God didn’t create losers; He created choosers. Don’t be a loser; be a chooser!
If your past is full of bad choices, right NOW, you can re-choice! You can choose THIS DAY what you will do, who you will become, and what you will possess. Your choices will need faith, especially if you chose to be an outstanding citizen. Especially if you choose to be something more than you can “see” now.
How do you feel right now? Is your life the way you want it? Are you unsettled in you thoughts? Are you where you want to be in life? Whatever the answer to these questions, rejoice that you can re-choice! You can change. You can do or be whatever you desire. Have faith and make a decision to do the “impossible” for all things are possible to the one who believes.
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