Many people are feeling the squeeze financially these days. It is a terrible feeling, but it is not all bad.
Take an orange for example, there is nothing wrong with it in its “whole” state, but how can you get any benefit of it in that state? An orange is not to be admired; rather it is to be enjoyed. To fully enjoy the “purpose” of an orange it needs to be peeled and squeezed. There is nothing as tasty to drink as fresh squeezed orange juice.
Our life is much the same. When we are “whole” our true purpose can never manifest. It seems that when we human beings get “peeled” and “squeezed” our true purpose comes is manifest as well.
Financial hardships are God’s way of squeezing us to make some course changes. We may have a great job, but something happens, and all of a sudden we are faced with a pay reduction, wage freezes, or lay-offs. The proper way to look at those events is to realize that there must be something better for us. We just needed some pressure to discover what that “something better” is.
I would have never gotten involved with network marketing if I were not squeezed to take some action and develop a plan to become financially independent. I am tired of being told when to report to work, when to go on vacation, how much I am going to make, when I will be laid-off, fired, etc. It’s when we reach the point of being “squeezed that great things can begin to happen. Our true gifts, talents, and desires, come forth from this “squeezing process.” The “squeeze” helps us to realize that there must be a better way…and there usually is!
Are you feeling the “squeeze?” If so, don’t panic. Have an open mind and start doing some real soul searching. What is it that you really want in life? What do you want to accomplish? What do you love? What do you hate? What excites you? What do you do naturally that can benefit others? The answer to these questions might be the key to your future. Above all, I suggest prayer to your Creator, for He knows exactly what is the very best for you.
Today, opportunities abound for those who truly seek them. Jesus said, “Seek and you SHALL find.” He did not say, “You ‘might’ find.” There is certainty in the result of seeking, “You SHALL find.” However, people do not usually seek unless they are pressed to do so; its human nature. Businesses spring up daily from people who are “squeezed” or pressured financially.
“Squeezing” is a sign from Above that it’s time to change direction. It’s time to seek for new answers to the developing problems in our lives. I find that when one door closes, another opens. However, many of us will stand and curse the closed door, never realizing that another and bigger door is opening right behind them.
What is your situation today? Are you feeling squeezed or pressured? If so, don’t lose heart. Discover the meaning of the situation you are in. Like I said, opportunities abound today, especially if you have a phone and the Internet. Find out what other people need and want and then fulfill that need or want. By doing so you will be rich. If a problem exists, there has got to be a solution. I believe if there were no solutions, problems would not exist. A problem is proof of a solution; it just needs to be found out. I would bet that YOU have or are the solution for a certain problem. All you need to do is find out what you are great at. You must be great at something. God doesn’t make inferior products! He placed a gift in you. He put a solution to others problems in you. Find out what THAT is and market it, for it is THAT solution (gift or talent) that you ALREADY possess that will make you rich!
Being “squeezed” is a blessing. May you discover that this is true and remember to SEEK until you FIND.
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