Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Emotionalized Thoughts Produce Miracles, or Not!

Thoughts are things; they are very powerful things.  Our thoughts have the power to create.  However, what makes our thoughts truly powerful is emotion.  Once a thought is emotionalized, look out, because in time, that thought WILL manifest—whether good or bad.

You can emotionalize thoughts with love or fear.  Thoughts emotionalized by love will produce miracles in your life.  Thoughts emotionalized by fear will produce devastation in your life. 

Love is most powerful, perhaps the most powerful emotion known to man.  Since God is love, when we love, we are close to the Source of all.  When love is present, so are blessings.  When love is present, so is faith.  When a thought is permeated with love it will bring forth the thing we are thinking about in a most awesome way.  Since love is the fulfillment of the law of God when we think with love that thing we think about will be fulfilled; it’s just a matter of time.

Fear is equally as powerful.  However, fear will kill you, literally!  When a thought is emotionalized with fear that thing you fear will come to pass, again in time, if that thought is not checked.   If you fear poverty, poverty will show up in your life and keep showing up in your life until that thought is changed.

Let’s say you have a thought of poverty; just a thought.  If you hold that thought in your mind for too long it will emotionalize as fear and eventually become a belief. Once you believe in poverty, poverty will always exist in your live until that belief is changed.

Now let’s say, one day, that you realize that God is abundant and that the universe created by Him is full of abundance.  You begin to think about abundance and love that thought.  As you think about abundance with the emotion of love and you begin to get excited eventually a new belief is birthed.  You begin to BELIEVE that you can be and actually are wealthy.  As you focus on that thought, over time, wealth will begin in manifest in your life.

What I am speaking about is very real.  If you want to build a huge, profitable, amazing organization, focus your thoughts on what you want and emotionalize them with love; love for God and love for your fellow man then just watch the miracles manifest.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why Do You Want to be a Network Marketer?

Your “Why” is one of the most important factors to determine IF you will succeed in network marketing.  Your “Why” is the REASON you want to or are doing this  business in the first place.  If your REASON is not BIG enough, you are toast!

How big does your reason have to be?  My mentor taught me at least 99.9%.  Let’s say your reason is only at 80% and you run into an 81% setback; you are done!  Most people do not think about WHY they want to take on a network marketing business.  They just join a company thinking they can make a few bucks or even get rich in 30 days.  Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but that just isn’t going to happen. 

Let me tell you what WILL happen:  All hell will break loose up to defeat you!  You will run into criticism, money problems, bad decisions, mistakes, defeats, failures and everything else you can think of.  And guess what most people do?  They quit; they throw in the towel and just plain give up!  That’s the people with a 99% “why” or less.

You better have a HUGE reason to get into this business.  It can’t be just to make a few bucks.  If you want to make a few bucks, get a job at StarBUCKS!  It’s EASY to make a few bucks without the headaches associated with network marketing. 

Wow, am I throwing on the cold water or what!  No, I am just telling you the truth.  I see people join my organization who eventually give up.  They give up, not because they are quitters or lazy, they give up because they don’t have a big enough REASON.

Thomas Edison had a BIG reason as to why he wanted to develop the incandescent light bulb.  If he only had a 70% “why, “ he would have given up after a few attempts.  However, he tried OVER 10,000 times to get the filament to stay lit for more than a few seconds.  Over 10,000 times!  I believe his “why” was 100%! 

If you have a big enough way, you will be SURE to succeed.  Success is as certain as the sun comes up every morning and goes down every night to the one who has a 99.9% reason.  Success comes to those with a big enough reason to hang on when the going gets rough.  NOTHING can stop a person with a reason that is bigger than whatever obstacle you throw at it. 

How do you determine your why?  Just ask yourself two questions:

What do I love?

What do I hate?

Here is what I love: 

I love freedom

I love spending time with my wife

I love serving the Lord

I love having money in my pocket at all times

I love giving without limitation

I love financial freedom

I love travel

I love serving people

Here is what I hate:

I hate poverty

I hate debt

I hate being told what to do

I hate being told where to go

I hate not being able to help others in need

I hate seeing people not use there full potential

These things are so big to me that NOTHING is going to stop me from building an amazingly big, hugely successful, and awesomely profitable network marketing business and bringing a lot of people with me in the process.

I would warn you that your “whys” have to be YOURS.  You have to have strong FEELINGS about them.  If your “whys” are absent of feeling; forget about success in network marketing.   Keep your job; it’s much easier.

Speaking of ease, network marketing is NOT EASY.  There is NOTHING easy about it.  They call it netWORK marketing for a reason!  This business will consume your energy and your time.  However, if your “why” is 99.9% you will do it; you will plug away day-after-day until you achieve your dreams.   You will stay up late at night and spend your weekends building your business while all you “buggies” are playing golf, video games, watching TV, and the like.  But don’t sweat it; in time, you will be on the golf course and the overseas trips when all your buddies are working toward their gold watch!  You will be the one able to call the shots in your life.  You will be financially free while all your buddies are worried about how they are going to pay off their debt before retirement; which may never happen.

I challenge you to work on your “why” until you FEEL it; until you FEEL that NOTHING can stop you.  Until you FEEL that no matter what happens, you are going to work at this until you have succeeded in all the areas of your life.  A fair timetable is 3-5 years.  Are you willing to spend 3-5 years to create the life of your dreams?

If not,  asta la vista baby!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thoughts are Things

Note:  This is a lesson that I wrote as an assignment for the 30-day Mental Cleanse offered by Mentoring for Free.  This lesson is based on what I received from my reading of Chapter 1 of THINK AND GROW RICH, by Napoleon Hill:

Thoughts are things, very important things.  For it is by our thoughts that we create our life.   I am amazed that I have gone through so much of my life not realizing just how important thoughts are.  I have ALLOWED so many thoughts to make home in my mind over the years it makes me sick…literally!

No one told me how to control my thoughts and just how POWERFUL they are.  They can give you life or kill you.  Thoughts can bring wealth, love, joy, peace, or take it all away and leave you in poverty, worry, doubt, fear, and turmoil.  It’s only a thought; but WOW, how powerful a single thought can be!

I love the story about Edwin C. Barnes.  Here is a man with a definite thought that became emotionalized into a burning desire.  That emotionalized thought mingled with his determination to be Thomas Edison’s business partner made it all come into being.  It was impossible to be any other way.  He didn’t LET obstacles get in his way.  His burning desire mowed down every obstacle until his dream became a reality.

The same was true for Henry Ford.  He wanted the impossible: 8-cyliders in a single block.  All the “professionals” told him it couldn’t be done, but did that stop Mr. Ford?  Nothing can stop a person with an emotionalized thought that has been worked up into burning desire and faith to know that what is not seen, IS.  Wow!

Now lets talk about me.  I have had desires in the past, but at the first sign of frustration, I quickly dropped what I wanted.  At the first word of criticism, I threw in the towel.  I was like the gold miner, who, as long as “some” gold could be found was happy and on fire.  However, when the “gold” quit coming up, I quit!  I probably quit just a few days, week, or months short of a major success.  I will never allow that to happen again.

Well, since being involved with Mentoring for Free and all the great people there, I have DETERMINED not to give up again.  I have a thought, just a thought, to experience massive success.  I have been able to turn that thought into a burning desire.  Many times I feel like Edwin Barnes must have felt working for Thomas Edison all those months, “Will my desire ever come to pass?”  However, this time it’s different.  There is a “knowing” that what I desire has already happened.  I just await its manifestation.  I am determined to build a strong, and successful network marketing organization and bring lots of others with me.  I am determined to reach financial freedom and will keep on keeping on UNTIL the time of manifestation. 

Why do I feel this way?  Because I have read, seen, and heard other people doing it.  If they can, I will.  I am spending time working on me.  I am monitoring my thoughts and filling my mind with what is possible and keeping it off the bad news being circulated by our media and negative “friends.”  Wow, all things ARE possible to the one who believes.  

Sunday, July 27, 2008

MLM And Celebrity Endorsements: Why the Waste?

Celebrity Endorsements: Why the Waste? Several companies these days are boasting of celebrity endorsements.  Many unsuspecting affiliates don’t have a clue about how this is impacting their income.  Those celebrity endorsements are NOT free.  They cost money and that money comes out or YOUR pocket. 

I am not impressed when celebrities like Oprah or Donald Trump are used to promote certain products or companies.  I know the truth!  They are costing my fellow network marketers MONEY!  Nor am I impressed when MLM companies by space on Indy racecars and other forms of sports.  It is costing anyone promoting that company MONEY!

The same is true with those fancy headquarters, corporate jets, and high paid executives.  If the company you are with is publically traded; it’s even MORE money out of your pocket. 

Most people don’t consider this when they join an opportunity.  They don’t ask how many people have to be in my organization to make $500, $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000 a month.  I know of one very well known company that has a customer service center second to none, but that center costs at least 2 million dollars a month to operate.  Guess where that money comes from.  It comes out of the affiliates pockets.  With that company, you would have to have OVER 3,000 affiliate’s, ALL on auto-ship, to bring in $10,000 a month!  Now just how many people would be able to sponsor that many people?  It is totally UNREALISTIC! 

I know of another company that will pay you $10,000 a month with only 350-400 people in your organization!  How can they do that?  They do not have to pay for celebrity endorsements, call centers, stockholder dividends, corporate jets, race cars, high paid executives, and the like.  They are what is called a “STREAMLINE” company.  They don’t WASTE money on frills therefore they have a more lucrative compensation plan.  To my knowledge, no one can touch it!

Do you wonder why you are not making any money?  Do you wonder why you have to work so hard and get so little?  You better think twice before getting involved with or even staying with a company that spends YOUR money on the frills I have previously mentioned. 

Do you want to learn more about how to evaluate a company; to find out if it’s a good fit for you?  Click on the title of this post to get free training on how to become a successful network marketer by becoming educated and informed about what works and what does not.  The program is totally free. 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Toxic Thoughts Producing Fear

Toxic thoughts call stall or kill your chances of success.  The king of all toxic thoughts is fear.  The six basic fears are:

  • ·      The FEAR of Poverty
  • ·      The FEAR of Criticism
  • ·      The FEAR of Ill Health
  • ·      The FEAR of Loss of a Loved One
  • ·      The FEAR of Old Age
  • ·      The FEAR of Death

I used to be captive to all the fears (at least more so than I am today).  I feared poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age and the biggest fear of all: Death.

When I was young, money was always tight in the family.  Many times we could do or have things because of the lack of money.  My Dad worked two jobs just to make ends meet and provide for the family.  Even with all that hard work, there was lack in one-way or another.   As I grew and entered adulthood the fear of lack grew with me.  To make matters worse, I bought into the religious philosophy of poverty being a virtue.  I came to believe that riches were “of the devil” and I should not seek riches or wealth but be “content” with what I had.

Every time I attempted to do something to gain wealth the religious beliefs, that I held, stopped me.  I always wanted to make a go of network marketing because I knew that was a great vehicle to gain wealth and financial freedom.  My aunt and uncle were in network marketing and they seemed to always have money, nice homes and cars.  However, I never could follow though with my desires because of the lingering fear that wealth was something bad.  Thus I remained broke and unfulfilled.

By God’s mercy, about 3 years ago a chain of events took place that changed my life forever!  I believe it was God working “all things together for good.”  My wife and I became quite tight financially.  I was making good money, but no matter how much I made, it seemed to disappear.  Actually, for a college drop out, I was doing VERY well, but my pockets had holes.  I offered faithfully, yet lack was still present.  Now I understand what the “hole” was; it was the Fear of Lack.  The fear of lack kept me in lack.  I began seeking the Lord for the way.  Eventually I was introduced to Mike Murdock and that lead to many other teachers and writers on the subject of wealth and abundance.  I began a quest to study wealth from both the Biblical and secular perspective.  My studies began to open my eyes, big time.

God is rich and abundant.  Lack isn’t even in His comprehension.  Everything He touches produces MORE.  He touched 5 loaves and 2 fish and ended up feeding over 5,000 people with PLENTY left over!  The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ came that we would have life and have is MORE ABUNDANTLY.  He touched a withered had and it became whole.  The dead were raised and the blind saw.  Why, because He knew no lack.  It is IMPOSSIBLE for lack to exist in His presence.  So why was I buying into being broke as the “way it should be” philosophy?  What can a “broke” person do to augment his or her own life or the life of another? 

I have come to realize, for me, that it is okay to gain wealth.  Even the Bible says that God gives us power to gain wealth.  For the first time in my entire 53 years I am free from this fear…the fear of poverty.  I have an abundant Source within me who WANTS me to be wealthy and share my wealth with others.  Abundance is from God and is limitless. He wants me to enjoy all the riches He has for me. 

With this freedom came the freedom from criticism.  Man, was I living in that!  I was always concerned about what “they” thought of me.  I always wanted to make a “good impression.”  I never wanted to be considered a “failure” or “money lover” or anything like that.  But NO MORE!  Today I am learning not to be concerned about what others think of me.  What’s important is what God thinks of me and what I think of me.  I know God thinks that I am awesome, so why should I feel any different than He does?  If people want to judge, have at it; it only hurts them and not me.  Yes, this fear creeps in every now and then, but now I have the knowledge of what it is and bid it farewell.

Ill health was somewhat a fear of mine.  I would worry that I had some fatal disease whenever I had an ache or pain that I never had before.  However, since my study of the mind-body connection and the knowledge of the power of thoughts I exercise to keep my mind off all thoughts of ill health and on thoughts of good health.  I don’t often complain or mention my aches and pains.  I just thank God for the health I do have and move on.  Eventually, when I stop pay attention to those aches and pains, and exaggerate them by doing so, I find I am able to go on with little difficulty.

Because of time, I won’t discuss my experience of the other Big Fears.  I do experience them, but I have endeavored to deal with them in the same fashion, take my focus off of that thing I fear and focus on the things I want.  Instead of worrying about the loss of a loved one, I cherish those I love.  Instead of fearing old age, I live life to the fullest and laugh a lot!  As for death, no fear there because I believe in the One who overcame death that I could live forever.

Why do I mention this lesson on a blog concerning network marketing?  The reason is that fear will affect your success if you don’t learn to deal with it.   If you need help in dealing with fear, please contact me.  I am a life and success coach and can assist you with overcoming your fears that you may reach the level of success that you desire.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Law of Receptivity

This is the fifth and final article based on the book, THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

The Law of Receptivity states that the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

Do you have a problem receiving?  Is it hard for you to receive a gift without FEELING the need to pay someone back?  If it is, you need to see, experience, and accept the final law to stratospheric success: Receptivity.

Wonderful things have been happening to me since deciding to freely receive:  I have been getting MORE!  I have a habit of gifting books to people (giving), with no problem.  I think books are some of the greatest gifts one can give.  If they are good books, they can change a person’s life.  As I have been giving, all of a sudden I have been receiving books from others.  Now these are not just books, they are GREAT books. 

When I first started getting these books in the mail, I FELT a need to do something in return.  However, since I learned the Law of Receptivity, I have received the gifts with a big “Thank You.”  I dismiss all thoughts of needing to “pay the giver back.”  That attitude robs THEM of blessing.

Here is how the whole thing works.  You give and the result of your giving gives you a good FEELING.  Not only that, but your giving starts a flow of receiving.  If you don’t receive you end up stopping that flow and shut off the blessing to the giver. 

If you offer me a nice pen, and I don’t receive it from you, I cut off the blessing to you and stop the flow of receiving to me.  However, if I thankfully receive your gift I bring the blessing of giving into your life, which will bring you more receiving.  This is a cycle that we must NEVER stop!  So, don’t be a dam in this cycle.  Let it flow!  Give and be WILLING to receive and you WILL received beyond what you have given; pressed down, shaken together and running over!  Try it; you’ll like it!

The Law of Authenticity

This is the forth in a series of articles based on the book, THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

The Law of Authenticity states that that most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.

When I was young, I always strived to be “like someone else.”  I had action hero’s or friends who I wanted to be like.  As I grew older that didn’t change.  I wanted to be like so-and-so.  I wish I were a gifted as “that person.”  I wish I had a body like that guy.  I never felt totally comfortable in my own skin.  I was shy and timid and concerned about what “they” thought about me.

Then one day it dawned on me, I am find just the way I am.  God made me and there is NO ONE like me.  I am unique with unique gifts and talents.  There is nothing wrong with me.  I can be me, and when I am; I am the happiest.

There is nothing worse than trying to be someone you are not.  Today I am altogether different.  I love who I am.  I am thankful for what I have and love to use my gifts and talents to make others lives a little bit better.

People hate fake plastic people.  Be authentic.  Be YOU.  There is NOTHING wrong with YOU.  You are perfect just the way you are.  When you are authentic, people sense it and are very receptive to you.  Are you real?  Don’t try to be anything but YOU.

I personal do no care what people think about me.  What’s important is that I am comfortable with me and living the life that God designed me to live.  How about you?  Are you trying to be someone or something that you are not?  Are you ACTING instead of living a life of authenticity?  Stop beating yourself up; accept that fact that you are perfect just the way you are.  Sure, you need to grow, but grow according to God’s design for you and not according to the opinions of others.

In network marketing, or any other endeavor for that matter, the most important thing you can offer is YOURSELF; just be YOU.  Be genuine and real.  Be open and honest and you will go far.  Practice the Law of Authenticity and you will be well on your way to a life of stratospheric success.

They Call it NetWORK Marketing

Don't fall for the lies.  If anyone tells you that you can make money automatically by just throwing up a website on the internet, RUN FOREST RUN!  If anyone tells you to give them money and money will just flow to you; RUN FOREST RUN!  If anyone tells you that you don't have to interact with PEOPLE; RUN FOREST RUN!

Network marketing is composed of two words:  

Net:  A system or procedure for selecting or recruiting SOMEONE.
Work:  Activity involving physical or mental EFFORT in order to achieve a purpose.

Put the two words together and you have the definition of network marketing!  You need a duplicatable SYSTEM and then GO TO WORK; put forth some EFFORT!  Work like you have never worked before and you will achieve things that you have never achieved before.

If you need help in building your network marketing business contact me.  I will help you for FREE with NO AGENDA!  I will NOT try to sell you anything.  If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you are in a network marketing business.  I will help you build THAT business...YOUR business.  

Remember that it's called netWORK marketing.  So get to work and have some FUN!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Law of Influence

This is the third in a series of articles based on the book THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

The Law of Influence states that your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first. 

Companies and businesses are not the key.  The key is to place other people’s interest above yours.  If you show interest in your downline, listen to their needs, train them, and as you assist them you will find that your business just grows.  It grows by your giving.  As you give to others your influence among those you serve grows. 

Influence comes by serving.  If you want to be great, serve.  If you want to be first, put others before you.  This is what Jesus taught and it is the ONLY way to gain true influence.  Actually, Jesus had thousands following Him because He gave; He poured Himself out for the benefit of others.  I don’t know about you, but I would like to be remembered for my service to others instead of how much money and possessions I obtained during my stay on earth.  The good thing is, by serving others and putting them above yourself, you will gain the wealth and freedom you desire.  Humble yourself and you will be exulted.  It’s just the way it works!

That’s why many get into network marketing.  They want to help others succeed.  I hear it all the time when I am coaching people.  I belong to an organization with the sole purpose of helping others; mentoring them for free.  We coach, encourage, and teach the laws of network marketing without asking for anything in return.  It is very rewarding.  I wish more people would jump into this system.  I believe they do not because they are skeptical.  Who helps people for free?  We do, for free, what others charge thousands to provide.  We do this because we realize that influence comes from service.  We want to positively influence those we come in contact with and by doing so we change the world and increase our lives in the process.

The AAA's of MLM Success

Today I was considering a verse from the Bible where Jesus said, Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.

I was considering what this meant in my daily experience and in relation to my MLM business.  I then came up with the AAA’s of MLM success. 

First of all, I confess, I believe that the source of all riches, abundance, or whatever good you are seeking is from God.  Too often people try to achieve success without God, but it will never last.  God is the source and all wealth and wealth itself is the effect of coming to and acknowledging the source of all supply.  Being thankful to Him in and for all things.

Not meaning to be disrespectful, but it’s like the goose and the golden egg.  The goose was the source of the golden egg, but the foolish farmer was so focused on the effect (the golden eggs) that he killed the goose (the cause or source) of the golden eggs thus stopped the flow of eggs forever! 

So many network marketers focus on the effect (financial freedom) that they ignore the cause of all riches—God.  The Bible states that it is God who gives power to get wealth.  When we acknowledge and thank God from whom all riches flow, we find more riches flowing toward us in abundance.  Don’t be foolish and ignore God the source of all because an unthankful heart will cut off the flow of “eggs.” 

Having said that let’s discuss the AAA’s of MLM success:

Ask—the beginning point of all success.  Since God is the source, ask Him for what you want.  Acknowledge the Creator for who He is, Creator of All.  He can call things not being as being.  Whatever you need, ask Him.

Action—once you ask, just don’t sit there, take action by seeking for the answer.  The answer is not where you are; it’s somewhere “out there.”  Some person or opportunity exists as the answer; seek that answer.  Examine everything and everyone who comes into your life for you never know who or what will be the “door” of opportunity.


Acknowledge—now that you have asked and have taken action, a door of opportunity will come forth.  Acknowledge (knock) that door and it will be opened to you. The opening of that door will be by God to whom you asked.  You don’t have to even open it; just acknowledge it and God will open it for you!  The best way to “knock” is to give thanks.  When you do, the door opens.  Thus the circle of success is complete.

God is abundant and He is the source of all success.  He wants you to be a successful human being, but there are certain laws that have to be obeyed for that success to come.  For success in MLM, obey the AAA of MLM Success and watch you life change!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Law of Compensation

This is a second in a series of articles based on the book THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

The Law of compensation says: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.

There are no shortcuts.  If you want to experience stratospheric success, find as many people as you can and serve them in an unforgettable way.  By doing this, you will keep a lot of clients and have them bringing their friends to you! 

It’s easy to be average today.  Serve just enough people to get by and you will make just enough money to get by.  Put forth little effort and you will get little compensation; it’s that simple.

Actually, the Law of Compensation says that what you give in service you receive back in a greater proportion than what you gave.  Look at a kernel of corn.  You plant a single kernel of corn and get back several ears with hundreds of grains in return! Now that’s compensation!  If you sow more kernels, you get a field of corn stalks and an enumerable crop of ears of corn.  The same holds true in any aspect of life.  Serve more; serve well, and you will get back much more in return then you gave. 

In network marketing, you mentor two people to become successful.  Each one of those you served help two each.  Now you have an organization of seven, including you.  You just helped two people and now you have seven!  This keeps going and grows way out of proportion to what you sowed.

Here is an example of how the law of compensation works in network marketing:

Month One: 1 + 1 = 2 (That’s you and your first affiliate)

Month Two: 2 + 2 = 4

Month Three: 4 + 4 = 8

Month Four: 8 + 8 = 16

Month Five: 16 + 16 = 32

Month Six: 32 + 32 = 64

Month Seven: 64 + 63 = 128

Month Eight: 128 + 128 = 256

Month Nine: 256 + 256 = 512 (over $10,000/month with me)

Month Ten: 512 + 512 = 1,024

Month Eleven: 1,024 + 1,024 = 2,048

Month Twelve: 2,048 + 2,048 = 4,096

If you are in network marketing, you are in the best business to experience the Law of Compensation.  Here is the key, however:  Serve your downlline, serve as many as you can and serve them well.  By doing this, over time, little by little, you will experience stratospheric  success.

The Law of Value

Note:  This is the first in a series on the five laws to stratospheric success.  These five laws were taken from the awesome book, THE GO-GIVER, by Bob Burg and John David Mann. 

The Law of Value states that, your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.  The common view is to hopefully get more in money than you give in value or at best, break even.  However, to experience stratospheric success you must give more in value than you take in payment.

A good example is the book, THE GO-GIVER.  I paid under $15.00 for the book.  I don’t’ believe the paper it’s printed on is worth $15.00!  However, the information contained in the book is PRICELESS.  I believe that whoever buys the book and practices the five laws could conceivably become very wealthy over time.  Therefore I feel that Mr. Burg and Mann have practiced the first law of stratospheric success.

We live in a dog-eat-dog; claw your way to the top world.  It seems that everyone wants to be rich but many do it at the expense of others.  Such people feel that to get ahead, one must take from others.  After all, the pie is only so big and if one wants to get rich, they need more of the pie.  To get more of the pie they must take somebody else’s piece.  I have a news flash:  The only lack is the lack between the ears of such thinkers.  If you fall for what the media tells you are never going to succeed.  They point out lack and depravity of mankind.  But if you look around at creation you will see that lack is a myth.   Everywhere I look, I see abundance.  The abundance of air, water, light, and so forth.  The only lack is the lack of belief and understanding of the principles of creation.  More on this subject another time.

Look at the work place.  It’s filled with people who feel, “The company owes me!”  They do just enough work to get by and wonder why they can’t get ahead.  They don’t realize that there are laws in effect.  Do you want to get ahead?  Give more in value then you are being paid.  Eventually you will be noticed by management and given advancement and raises.  If not, someone in another company will notice you and give you a better opportunity; it is law!

In network marketing it’s the same.  If someone joins your team, do you take their money and run?  Do you make money at the expense of others?  Unfortunately this is all too common in network marketing.  Do you want lasting, outstanding success?  The key is to give more in value than you receive in payment.  Give more training.  Be there when your affiliates need you.  If you can’t help them, point them to someone who can.   Make your affiliates feel that they received much more in value than they paid in money.  Do this and watch your business GROW into the stratosphere.

Friday, July 11, 2008

MLM Opportunities: Do Your Research

Before joining any "opportunity," do yourself a huge favor and check it out.  Do Google searches on any company that you are considering.  Find out what you can about it:
  • Who is in charge?  Google them as well.
  • Do they (company leaders) have experience in MLM? 
  • Is the company publicly traded?  This is not a good thing!
  • How long have they been in business?  If it's a start-up...RUN! Don't join anything that has not been around for at least 2 years.
  • Google the person who is going to sponsor you.
  • Has your sponsor-to-be been in a stable company for a period of time or are they opportunity hoppers?  Most are in this category.
  • Is there a duplicatable system in place that ANYONE can follow?
  • Is the compensation plan realistic?  
  • How many people do you have to have in your organization to have to make $500, $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000 per month?  ASK THE QUESTION!
  • Are there products involved?  If not, run!
  • Is there a residual income opportunity?  If not, run!
  • Are the products affordable for the masses?  If not, run!
  • Are the products in demand?  If not, run!
  • Would people purchase the products if an opportunity did not exist?  If not, run!
  • Is there more than one product involved?  If not, run!
Stay clear of gifting programs, pyramid schemes and the like.  To find out more about these and other MLM opportunities, do your research.  A great place to start is at MLM Watchdog.  The link to that site is in the right column of this blog.  There is a TON of illegal scams out there, so beware.

Also, if anyone tells you to buy leads--run!  Buying leads does not and will not work.  I know people who have spent thousands of dollars on leads with nothing to show for it.  Don't let that be you.

For MLM opportunities: Do your research.  It will save you years of frustration and lots of money as well.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real

I just received an email that used fear to promote their nutritional products. Fear has it's place, but I hate it when people use it to promote their agenda. I would rather see that person promote their products by telling of the health benefits of using them.

In the days of old, sales people used fear to get customers to buy their products. In my profession, the residential sales reps would plant the fear of being burglarized, raped, or killed to sell security systems. Since I hated those tactics, I never participated in them.

The fact is, fear is a great motivator, but I would rather focus on what I desire than what I fear. Most feelings of fear are actually False Evidence Appearing Real. Most fears will never be realized UNLESS they are dwelled upon over a period of time and planted into the subconscious mind. Most fears are just illusions; they are not real. Fears come from improper focus, so if you want to get rid of the feelings of fear, just change your focus. If you don't want to experience what you fear; stop dwelling on that thing you fear. People that fear cancer or other diseases should just focus on the health they have and do things that promote good health. Why get youself all worked up over something that has not happened and may never happen?

I would rather motivate myself and others with the things that are good in life. I would rather chase fear away by focusing on what I desire in my life. I love day dreaming about the things I desire. When thoughts of fear arise, I just change my focus toward my dreams and goals.

Did you ever engage in a conversation and get interrupted by someone then forget what you were discussing after that interrupton abated? You can treat fear or any other negative emotion the same way. Then fear comes, interrupt it with something positive. It works for me!

In building a home based business, fears do arise. Banish them by focusing on your DESIRES! Read good books, listen to positive speaking, and surround yourself with people that will inspire you to greatness.

I belong to a great organization that will do just that. It's called Mentoring for Free. Mentoring for Free is a FREE program designed to help fellow network marketers succeed. To find out more, contact me anytime. Together we can banish your fears on get you on the road to success.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Goals: It's the Journey That Makes the Difference

Have you ever wondered what is more valuable?  Is it reaching your goals or your journey to get there? 

I have pondered this question and here is what I think:  It is the journey that holds the greater value.  Let’s take the journey out of the equation.  Let’s say you desire something and it just manifests itself in your life.  What kind of a person would you be?  What kind of world would we live in?  I dread to think of it.  I guess that’s why most lottery winners end up with tragic lives.  They missed the journey and it is the journey that would have made the difference in the outcome of their lives.

It is the journey that makes the person.  It is the journey that changes lives.  It is the journey that transforms a person from being average to enjoy stratospheric success. 

What is a goal?  It’s the termination point; it’s the end toward which effort is directed.  One may have a goal for total financial freedom and the time to enjoy the things in life that he or she desires.  However, it’s the struggle along the way that makes it possible to achieve those goals.  It’s the person you BECOME that makes it possible to live a successful life. 

None of us start out successful, living the dream.  Success requires a price and one must be willing to pay that price to achieve the reality of their dreams.  If this were not so, everyone would be totally successful and living awesome lives. 

We were all given a mind, will, feelings, spirit, and a body to use during our earthly journey.  It is what we do with these assets that counts.  Most people just go through their entire lives like ships without a rudder.  They are totally affected by the stimuli in their environment and that’s what shapes their lives.  They don’t shape their lives; they allow others to determine their outcome.

However, the ones who refuse to let others tell them what to think and go against the tide toward a worthwhile goal; these encounter all kinds of obstacles.  It’s almost as though invisible forces where doing their best to block the path of success.  Are these “forces” blocking the path or are they “testing” ones worthiness.  I believe it is the later.

We have a dream, begin advancing toward its reality; then it happens; family, friends, and the environment rise up to frustrate, depress, and rob us of the mindset to achieve our desires.  We labor so hard and nothing SEEMS to happen.  We sow, but where is the reaping?  We labor, but where is the fruit?  Those around us laugh saying, “He will never make it; he is a dreamer!”  “That won’t work!”  “You are wasting your time, just come with us and have some fun.”  At times, the “dreamer” just wants to quit.  However, they remember that seeds only produce harvest in due TIME.  They remember the great ones like Thomas Edison, Napoleon Hill, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Jim Rohn, Zig Zigar, Tom Hopkins, Tony Robbins, and others. They remember that reaping will come to the one who does not faint in his or her efforts.   Based on what others have done, they realize that they must press on regardless of the ILLUSION of defeat around them.

Where does all this realization come from?  It comes from reading excellent books about success and successful people.  It comes by listening to CD’s and watching DVD’s on self improvement.  It comes through prayer and fellowship with God, the creator of all.  It comes through working toward your goal when others are watching TV, playing video games, window shopping, and other wastes of time.  While others are having “fun” you are doing the greatest work:  Working on YOU.  You are learning, changing, growing and advancing toward something others only wish they could have or do.

It is during this PROCESS that things happen.  They don’t happen all at once, they are not big happenings, but small ones.  However, all these small things add up over time and before you know it, you changed, you are different, you are better, and you have become something that you were not before.  You find yourself filled with wisdom and are source of blessing to others.  Eventually you experience little successes that lead to bigger successes.  Then one day, it happens, you look around and you are there.  You have reached your goal only to decide to reach for further goals.  And guess what?  The new goals that you set seem to come easier and faster.  You found the secret to success and success seems to cascade toward you in expected and unexpected ways. 

What made you successful?  Reaching the goal or the journey toward that goal?  I think that it was the journey.  It’s the journey that made all the difference.  Press on, dear friend; press on!  The reality of your dreams could be just around the corner.  I believe in you!






Saturday, July 5, 2008

MLM is Like Seed Time and Harvest

Network marketing is a  lot like planting seed and harvesting.  You cultivate the land, plant the seed, and go out the very next day and reap the harvest; right?  It would be silly to think that you can sow a crop and expect a harvest so soon, wouldn't it?  Well, network marketing is the same.

There are numerous advertisements on the internet promising a quick "harvest."  All of them can be refuted.  Remember, if it's too good to be true; it probably is.  Don't fall for the get-rich-quick scams perpetrated on the internet.  Riches just don't come that easily.  Success must be EARNED.  Anything of value takes time.  There are laws at play here.

A law that keeps me going is the law of sowing and reaping.  The Bible says that we will sow what we reap and urges one not to get tired in doing good, for at the proper time (in due season) we WILL reap if we do not give up.  Zig Ziglar says it another way, "You can have anything in life that you want if you just help enough other people get what they want."  This is a law.  It is as certain and powerful as the law of gravity.

The key to success is to keep sowing.  Not everyone you sow into will produce a harvest, but you only need a few to become really successful.  You may share your business with some; they will get excited and say they are ready to join.  Then they make a huge mistake.  They they go talk to a family member(s) and that good meaning family member(s) will take what you have sow and kill it.  This happens all the time, so don't get discouraged when it does.  

You will sow into some and they will join, but do nothing because they are consumed with the affairs of their daily life.  Video games, TV shows, baseball and the like are more important to them then taking a few years to change their life forever.  They don't realize that they will have to "work" to achieve success and will quickly disappear because of these other occupations and their welfare mentality.

However, there will be some who will mean business, be a team player, and grow their organization like crazy.  The key thing to remember is this:  No matter how good someone is, it will still take time for them to produce a harvest.

Consider a tomato, from seed time to harvest is about 4 months.  Corn is about the same.  An apple tree is much longer; several years.  So don't grow impatient and give up.  Just sow, cultivate and wait for the harvest.

In every case, the harvest is not up to you.  The growth of corn is not up to the planter.  It's up to certain laws that are in place.  However, your chances of getting a harvest are in direct proportion to the amount of sowing and cultivating you do.  Cultivating, in network marketing terms, simply means to build relationships and educate.  Once you find some "good ground" invest in them and everyone involved will win and win big.

The harvest you seek WILL TAKE TIME.  I get calls all the time by desperate network marketers that need CPR.  They tell me that they need their business to make money right away.  They have been working their businesses for months or even years, spending hundreds and thousands of dollars in worthless advertising.  Their finances are depleted and they need a miracle.  Believe me, I believe in miracles, but it's better to follow the proper laws of network marketing than to need a miracle.  These folks, that need CPR, were casting their seeds onto concrete.  They were sowing in places where nothing would ever grow.  

I don't blame them.  they were told to buy leads, place solo ads and other forms of paid advertisements.  However, let me tell you, buying leads is almost worthless.  I can train people to get targeted traffic without buying tons of worthless leads.  That's what I train my affiliates to do and it works very well. 

Here's what I know.  A successful network marketing organization will take 2-5 years to build, and maybe longer, depending you your income desires.  If you are not willing to spend that kind of time; keep you job and forget this wonderful profession.  Oh yes, you can always try the lottery!

In closing remember, there are certain laws at play in network marketing.  Just be faithful to sow, cultivate and expect your harvest.  When it comes it will come, by all means, out of proportion to what you've sown.  To illustrate, if you sow a grain of corn, do you only get one grain back?  NO!, you get many times more than you sowed.  However, this only comes in due season. So whatever you do, don't give up.  If you are at a loss as to what to do, I am willing to train you for free.  Email me anytime at

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Use Social Network Sites

Social Networks for network marketers are great places to make friends plus share and receive information. Some things I have noticed in the communities I am in is that some people are using "code names" with no pictures. Social networks are just that, social. It is very hard to socialize with "mlmheavyhitter, or "workingmom" or "mentorman." I would suggest that you use your name. It's difficult to write a welcome to "mlmheavyhitter." It just plain feels funny. If you want to hide your identity, maybe you should forget social networking. It's very hard to network with people who "don't have names." If you are human, you have a name, please use it!  

Also, if possible, post a picture. Your picture adds a lot to your profile and it helps in the whole socializing thing. It's the next best thing to being with the person. Video's are great too. They help people get to know you even better. Remember, network marketing is not about products and services. It's about people helping people. People join people not companies. So be as personable as possible and you will go much farther.  

Also, greet new arrivals, make friends, offer assistance; that will just add to the whole community and make this a great place to be. It does you NO GOOD just to join social networks. It's like joining a health club and never going to exercise; what a waste. I don't mean to be offensive, but I am telling the truth. Sometimes I wonder why so many join social networks and do nothing to contribute.

Another IMPORTANT thing NOT TO DO is DON'T promote your business on social networks. Especially if they are geared toward network marketers. People do not like to be pitched or sold. They don't want to be pitched on another business when they are trying to promote their own. Keep it social. Offer help and assistance; you will be received and go much farther. And just maybe you will gain a business partner down the road, but don't push it!  

One more suggestion. Don't spread yourself so thin. Don't join thing after thing and be good at nothing. Join a couple of social networks and WORK THEM. Miracles will happen! I want everyone reading this blog to succeed. The more people who succeed; the better our economy and the better the world we live in will become. May God bless you all!