The ultimate test of faith is action. Faith is the substance of things you HOPE for and the EVIDENCE of the things you do not see. However faith by itself will not result in anything. Faith requires action.
Many people claim to have the faith necessary to see their dreams become a reality, but never take consistent action to see the unseen become a reality. When you have faith that what you desire will become your reality you will be required to take some action.
The Bible speaks of 4 men who wanted to see their lame friend healed. They didn’t just believe. They took action! Actually, the action they took was crazy! You see, the house where Jesus was staying was so crowded that there was no way for these men to get their friend to Him the conventional way. So they lifted their friend to the rooftop and took a portion of the roof out and lowered their friend before Jesus. The Bible then says that Jesus SAW their faith. What did the Lord see? ACTION! He saw faith in action! Based on their faith in action, Jesus healed the lame man.
The same applies to anything where faith is required. You may have faith to become financially independent through your network marketing business, but without action, it most likely will not happen. You need to take steps every day to see your dreams solidify. In past articles, I refer to this action as the sleight edge. Do something to demonstrate your faith day by day and eventually you will reach your dream. It’s the little steps that add up to the big event.
Don’t fall for all the hype presented on the Internet today. If someone tells you that you can replace your income in 90 days, RUN! Unless you are making $100 a month, that is. There are no automatic cash cows, at least in the beginning. The income will be automatic, but only after applied faith, that is, action taken day by day until you get to the point that cash flows automatically with little or no effort. That realistically will take 3-5 years, or more, depending on the action you take every day.
Do you have faith in something unseen? If so, go to work; demonstrate your faith through works until you have the things you hope for.
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