I know a number of people who have their hands in several network marketing businesses and none of them are going anywhere. They dabble in all of them, but can’t seem to get them to produce the income they desire.
We read about multiple streams of income and are not clear about what that really means. So we sign up of 3-4 or more businesses and wonder why they crash and burn.
Let me explain it this way. Let’s say an airline pilot has a destination for New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Cincinnati all at the same time! Is that possible? No it is not! The pilot has to focus on one destination at a time or the poor guy will run out of fuel and crash the plane because of the confusion that his concept has brought upon him. This is the same with you trying to run several home based businesses at the same time. It is paramount that you pick a good 5-pillar company and focus until your eyes cross!
I belong to such a company. We carry several products. Some products are diet products, others are for diabetics, and several others for general well being. I am focusing on one business, but I have several products for literally every age group and health need. Thus I have multiple streams of income with just one company and one focus. What a relief that I don’t have to go nuts trying to keep track of multiple businesses, pay plans, policies and procedures, etc. I can focus on one thing and thus increase my chances of success.
Lack of focus is one of the main reasons that so many people fail. Therefore I urge you to pick a solid 5-pillar company and focus until you finally achieve the success that you desire. By doing so you will greatly increase your chance of success. Resist the temptation to be come a MLM FROG, jumping from one thing to another. Focus!
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