Your mind is an interesting thing. It has two parts, a conscious and a subconscious part. The conscious section is the part that is aware of what is going on in your environment and is very limited. You conscious mind can only focus on a very few things at once. More realistically, it can effectively only focus on one thing at a time.
Your subconscious mind is the mastermind that controls everything about you without your “awareness.” Your subconscious mind “rules the roost.” The subconscious mind keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing, as well as all other bodily functions without your consciousness.
Your conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious. However, your subconscious will respond according to what has been consistently programmed into it by the allowance of the “gatekeeper.” An example would be: “Money is the root of all evil.” If you have heard that over and over again and your conscious mind handed that thought over to the subconscious mind enough, the subconscious mind will respond by doing everything it can to keep you from being rich; from having money, for your BELIEF is that money is evil. It does this because it has been programmed to believe that money is evil and it knows that you don’t want evil in your life.
Let’s say this aforementioned thought about money was put into you in as a child. You heard your parents say that rich people are crooks and that money is evil. You heard them talk about the filthy rich and things of this nature. These thoughts being quietly programmed in our subconscious mind in your early years will raise their ugly heads when you grow older and want to obtain wealth. When you try to obtain wealth, your subconscious mind will make sure you NEVER achieve it because of all the negative beliefs that are buried deep in your subconscious about money, wealth, or riches. Therefore, I don’t care how much you desire to be rich; you will NEVER be rich until you train your subconscious mind with a new belief that money is good.
First you have to discover what limiting beliefs are holding you back from what you desire and then dispel them with new and MORE POWERFUL beliefs. There are many effective ways to “trick” your subconscious mind to believe something new.
Let’s say you are in a network marketing company and you want to be a Diamond. You want to be a Diamond because Diamonds make $5,000 a month in residual income. However, somewhere deep in you subconscious mind you have a belief that YOU can never be Diamond. You may think that you are not smart enough, young enough, talented enough, or some other limiting belief that was programmed into your subconscious mind over the years. Because of this type of programming (that probably came from self-talk, your parents or siblings, etc.) you don’t feel you can succeed in becoming Diamond.
Well, let’s play a trick on the “Old Sub.” Take a piece of paper and write this phrase at the top: “25 Things I Am Going to Do AFTER I Become a Diamond.” Once you have written that statement, start listing the 25 things you would do after you became Diamond. Here are some examples:
· Buy a new car
· Replace the deck
· Replace the garage door
· Take a 2 week vacation to the Smokies
· Give $1,000 to the needy
· Take the family to a special place for dinner
· Buy a new computer
· Get a new wardrobe
· Cut back on my hours at work
· Spend more time with the family
· Volunteer
· Serve on a worthwhile committee
· Get a new Blackberry Storm
· Learn a new computer program
· Take some courses to improve my network marketing business
· Get my wife a diamond ring
· Pay off my daughters car
· Get my grandkids a new computer
· Sent my granddaughter to volleyball classes
· Learn to play a guitar
· Buy 20 new self-improvement books
· Go on a cruise
· Support a needy family for a month
· Buy wood-crafting tools and form a new hobby
· Pay off my credit cards
The list can be anything you really desire. When you do this you begin to feel that those things are possible. You get excited and full of feeling. If you review this list over and over, several times a day, over a period of time, you will find yourself being propelled to that Diamond position you thought was impossible.
The key is to reprogram the subconscious mind until it believes and receives this new programming. This process speeds up when emotion (feeling) is added to the equation. As you write YOUR 25 things, pay attention to how you FEEL. If you FEEL good, your vibration is high and that is the best state with which to reprogram your subconscious.
Another key is to stay the course. Focus on those 25 things you want to do AFTER you become DIAMOND. Don’t focus on becoming Diamond. Rather focus what the things you want or want to do. I can assure you that becoming Diamond will be a lot easier than you think. You just have to get your subconscious mind to work FOR you and not AGAINST you. Once you do that, the rest just happens.
Go ahead, get that piece of paper and practice what is written here. You will be delighted at the outcome. Do it! Be patient! You are about to go Diamond!