Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goal Setting & the Subconscious Mind

Your mind is an interesting thing.  It has two parts, a conscious and a subconscious part.  The conscious section is the part that is aware of what is going on in your environment and is very limited.  You conscious mind can only focus on a very few things at once.  More realistically, it can effectively only focus on one thing at a time.

Your subconscious mind is the mastermind that controls everything about you without your “awareness.”  Your subconscious mind “rules the roost.”  The subconscious mind keeps your heart beating, lungs breathing, as well as all other bodily functions without your consciousness.   

Your conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious.  However, your subconscious will respond according to what has been consistently programmed into it by the allowance of the “gatekeeper.”  An example would be: “Money is the root of all evil.”  If you have heard that over and over again and your conscious mind handed that thought over to the subconscious mind enough, the subconscious mind will respond by doing everything it can to keep you from being rich; from having money, for your BELIEF is that money is evil.  It does this because it has been programmed to believe that money is evil and it knows that you don’t want evil in your life. 

Let’s say this aforementioned thought about money was put into you in as a child.  You heard your parents say that rich people are crooks and that money is evil.  You heard them talk about the filthy rich and things of this nature.  These thoughts being quietly programmed in our subconscious mind in your early years will raise their ugly heads when you grow older and want to obtain wealth.  When you try to obtain wealth, your subconscious mind will make sure you NEVER achieve it because of all the negative beliefs that are buried deep in your subconscious about money, wealth, or riches.  Therefore, I don’t care how much you desire to be rich; you will NEVER be rich until you train your subconscious mind with a new belief that money is good.

First you have to discover what limiting beliefs are holding you back from what you desire and then dispel them with new and MORE POWERFUL beliefs.   There are many effective ways to “trick” your subconscious mind to believe something new.

Let’s say you are in a network marketing company and you want to be a Diamond.  You want to be a Diamond because Diamonds make $5,000 a month in residual income.  However, somewhere deep in you subconscious mind you have a belief that YOU can never be Diamond.  You may think that you are not smart enough, young enough, talented enough, or some other limiting belief that was programmed into your subconscious mind over the years.  Because of this type of programming (that probably came from self-talk, your parents or siblings, etc.) you don’t feel you can succeed in becoming Diamond.

Well, let’s play a trick on the “Old Sub.”  Take a piece of paper and write this phrase at the top:  “25 Things I Am Going to Do AFTER I Become a Diamond.”  Once you have written that statement, start listing the 25 things you would do after you became Diamond.  Here are some examples:

·      Buy a new car

·      Replace the deck

·      Replace the garage door

·      Take a 2 week vacation to the Smokies

·      Give $1,000 to the needy

·      Take the family to a special place for dinner

·      Buy a new computer

·      Get a new wardrobe

·      Cut back on my hours at work

·      Spend more time with the family

·      Volunteer

·      Serve on a worthwhile committee

·      Get a new Blackberry Storm

·      Learn a new computer program

·      Take some courses to improve my network marketing business

·      Get my wife a diamond ring

·      Pay off my daughters car

·      Get my grandkids a new computer

·      Sent my granddaughter to volleyball classes

·      Learn to play a guitar

·      Buy 20 new self-improvement books

·      Go on a cruise

·      Support a needy family for a month

·      Buy wood-crafting tools and form a new hobby

·      Pay off my credit cards

The list can be anything you really desire.  When you do this you begin to feel that those things are possible.  You get excited and full of feeling.  If you review this list over and over, several times a day, over a period of time, you will find yourself being propelled to that Diamond position you thought was impossible.

The key is to reprogram the subconscious mind until it believes and receives this new programming.  This process speeds up when emotion (feeling) is added to the equation.  As you write YOUR 25 things, pay attention to how you FEEL.  If you FEEL good, your vibration is high and that is the best state with which to reprogram your subconscious.

Another key is to stay the course.  Focus on those 25 things you want to do AFTER you become DIAMOND.  Don’t focus on becoming Diamond.  Rather focus what the things you want or want to do.  I can assure you that becoming Diamond will be a lot easier than you think.  You just have to get your subconscious mind to work FOR you and not AGAINST you.  Once you do that, the rest just happens.

Go ahead, get that piece of paper and practice what is written here.  You will be delighted at the outcome.  Do it! Be patient!  You are about to go Diamond!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Effective Goal Setting with a Twist

Goals are the talk of Network Marketing.  People set goals and forget about them.  Most people don’t even right them down!

Here is a simple 3-step plan for effective goal-setting:

1.              Write down your goal

2.              Choose a penalty for NOT reaching your goal

3.              Advertise the penalty to those around you

You have heard step one many times before and it is fairly easy to do.  You may have even done step one to no avail. However, step two is different and will help you achieve step one.  Most of us have been taught to REWARD accomplishments, but people will do more to escape pain than they will to gain pleasure.  So instead of rewarding yourself for reaching you goal, you need to PENALIZE yourself your NOT reaching your goal!

Let’s say you have a goal to present your business opportunity to 5 people this week.  You write down that goal, which is easy to do.  Now consider a penalty for NOT reaching that goal.  An example might be to eat a cockroach!  That’s pretty nasty, don’t reach your goal, you better be prepared to eat that cockroach! 

Now that you have written a goal, and picked a penalty, it’s now time to advertise.  Let others know your goal and what will happen if you DO NOT achieve it.  By doing this, you will get reminded and even challenged to reach your goal by those you have told.  Even more, you will solidify the effectiveness of the whole process.  If you don’t reach your goal and then don’t penalize yourself, you friends or family will add to the pain by making fun of you.  You wouldn’t want that to happen would you?

This may be an unconventional way to set goals, but I guarantee you that it is effective!  Have fun!

Monday, December 29, 2008

What's Your Story?

We all need to have a story about our business to encourage others to consider becoming our business partner.  Here is my story.  You can use the basics contained within it to create your own.

Me:  “I have a really good story to tell you.  It will take a couple of minutes and it could make you a lot of money, or it may not.  Do you want to hear it?

You:  “Sure, why not.”

Me:  “First, I have a question.  How much money would it take to replace your current annual income?”

You: “Oh, about $50,000.”

Me:  “How many people do you know that are dieting, drinking energy drinks like Red Bull, are diabetic, or just want to enjoy better health?”

You:  “Heck, everyone I know is in one of those catagories!”

Me:  Well, I found an awesome company the have really awesome versions of these products.  They have a great tasting cookie that dieters LOVE to eat, an energy drink that costs 1/3 the price of Red Bull with NO side effects.  They also have a product that diabetics can take to control blood sugar and it costs less than $20.  Not only that, they have vitamin packets and other fine products that are cheaper than what you can get a GNC!

You:  “Wow! That sounds interesting.  You mean that I can make money promoting products that I KNOW people want and need?”

Me:  “Yep.  Now back to your annual income.  To earn that $50,000 we talked about earlier you would need to find approximately 200 users.  If you can find ONLY 200 users, you would never have to go to work again!

You:  “You have got to be kidding.  That all sounds great, but I don’t know how to get 200 users!”

Me:  “I know you don’t.  Did you always know how to drive a car, or operate a computer, or send email?”

You:  “No.”

Me:  “You had to LEARN didn’t you?”

You:  “Yes, that’s right.”

Me:  Well, I can TEACH you HOW to find those 200 people!  We have a SYSTEM that will TEACH you how to find those 200 users.

Me:  “So, what would be easier for you?  Getting up early every morning, fighting traffic, letting someone else raise your children, begging for a raise, vacation, or time off to take care of your sick children or LEARNING a SYSTEM to find 200 users of products that you KNOW people want and need?”

You:  “Well, the answer is obvious.  How do I get started?”

This is my real story.  It’s simple and true.  You can develop a similar story so you can tell it to anyone you meet.  You will need to study your compensation plan to figure out how many “users” you will need for your product or service, but it will be worth the endeavor.  I think, with today’s economic outlook, a story like this will be well received.

What’s your story?  If you don’t have one, maybe it’s time to make one up.  Start the New Year out right!  Let me know if you need any help.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

That's for Me!

What are your deep-seated beliefs about wealth?  When you see someone in the car of your dreams, what do you think?  What is the voice in your saying?  What is your very first reaction?  Are you jealous?  Do you envy him or her?  Do you have any ill feelings what so ever?  If you do, these are indicators that you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from what you desire out of life.

Does that person in the car of your dreams make you mad?  Do you say, “Why is that jerk so lucky”?  Do you wonder whom he or she shafted to get all that money?  “Do they sell drugs?” you think to yourself.  If thoughts like this go through your mind, you are keeping riches from flowing TO you.  Rather they will continue to flow FROM you! 

Your beliefs will make or break you.  It is important that you keep tabs on our thoughts, for they reveal what you REALLY believe.    When those limiting beliefs surface and you identify them you are on the road to the success you seek.  Once identified, you can deal with them.  Therefore keep a watch over your thoughts in relation to money, riches, or wealth. 

Here is something you can practice to deal with those limiting beliefs:  When you see the car of your dreams, don’t think about how the person go it, just proclaim, “That’s for me!”  When you see a house you like, just state, “That’s for me!”  When you see ANYTHING you intend for your life just say, “THAT’S FOR ME!” Shoot, just typing, “That’s for me” makes me feel good!  Do not think about who has it or how they got it.  That doesn’t matter.  What matters is “That’s for me.” 

On a side note:  Negative and positive thoughts cannot occupy the same time and space.  If you condemn others or are jealous of others, and at the same time desire wealth, you are actually wiping out what you desire by criticizing or judging others for what they have.  You have got to learn to bless others and wish them more of what they have.  By doing so, you will rid your thoughts of anything that conflicts with the wealth you seek.  You can’t complain about others being wealthy and expect to gain riches yourself.  It’s impossible!  Your thoughts for the best must be for others as well as yourself.  That way your thoughts are harmonious and will allow your desires to begin to flow to you because you have built no dams to block the flow.

Saying, “That’s for me!” is a very powerful tool to add to your arsenal for success.  It sounds stupid, but try it out and judge for yourself.  Use it often and let me know what you think.


Friday, December 26, 2008

An Interview with God - Planning a New Year

As we are approaching a new year it is a great time to reconsider our past year and plan for the future. Though we can never be sure of our future, we still have to plan.  People who fail to plan are actually planning for failure.

I think it wise, in making any plan, to consider our Source.  God made us and knows us best.  He also knows what is best FOR us.  Therefore, I thought it appropriate to give give you this video called: AN INTERVIEW WITH GOD.  When planning a new year, it's not bad to consider the message of this short video.  Please enjoy it and may your new year be prosperous, safe, and filled with joy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What Christmas Means to Me

From a child, I always loved Christmas.  My earliest memories of Christmas were the expectation of what I was going to GET.  That is normal and it WAS fun!

As I grew older I enjoyed GIVING as well as RECEIVING.  It was fun shopping for others, or in some cases, making things for others.  I loved Christmas Day and all the joy and laughter it brought to our home.  I don’t remember a “bad” Christmas…ever!

I knew that Christmas was supposed to be the celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus, but I never really got it.  We were not church-goers, therefore I never really understood the impact of the birth of Jesus.  His birth meant nothing to me, so I thought.

It wasn’t until my late teens, after a personal encounter with the Savior, that I really understood what Christmas really meant to the world.

Today I want to share what that birth REALLY means to you and me.  The song says, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.”  It really is a joy to the world that Jesus came.  Why did He come?  Why did God send His only Son? 

God made man in His image and after His likeness in order to have a relationship with man.  God longs to be part of His human creation.  He wants to experience humanity and He wants us to experience divinity.  He longs for a RELATIONSHIP with you and me.

God started a wonderful relationship with Adam and Eve, the father and mother of us all.  However that relationship was marred by sin and God could no longer walk with man in such a warm, intimate, and cherishing way.  He is righteous and can’t fellowship with unrighteousness.  Believe me, God was saddened by the separation that followed that terrible moment in the garden over 6,000 year ago.

How could God RESTORE His RELATIONSHIP with mankind?  That is where Jesus came in.  Just as through one man sin entered into the world, so through One Man the barrier of sin was taken away, thus enabling God to restore His relationship with humankind.  Jesus bore the sins of mankind, all of mankind, on the tree.  He took our place to restore our relationship with God.

Here is the clincher:  God will not force anyone into a relationship with Him.  He gave every one of us a choice.  We can choose to know Him or not.  The only requirement that He has is that we must approach Him through the gift of His Son.  We must acknowledge His gift of reconciliation in order to have this restored relationship.  All the hard work is done.  All we have to do is RECEIVE the gift of His Son’s sacrifice by believing.  It’s that simple.

Why did God make reconciliation so simple (At least for us.  It was not simple for Him)?  He made it simple because He loves us and wants to be with us.  He wants to provide for us.  He wants to share His riches and glory with us.  He wants to provide abundantly for us.  He wants to get involved with your marriage, work, finances, children, recreation, and ALL aspects of your life.  He wants to hear about our worries and take care of them.  He wants to heal our sickness.  He wants to bless you financially. He wants to live the human life through you.  That is His joy and will be yours too—if you believe.

To me, Christmas is a relationship time, a time of family and friends, and above all, it’s a time to rejoice in our restored relationship and fellowship with God.  I hope you will receive this gift of Good News as my Christmas gift to YOU.  Come to Jesus and enjoy a relationship with the living God.  God bless you all!