Also, if possible, post a picture. Your picture adds a lot to your profile and it helps in the whole socializing thing. It's the next best thing to being with the person. Video's are great too. They help people get to know you even better. Remember, network marketing is not about products and services. It's about people helping people. People join people not companies. So be as personable as possible and you will go much farther.
Also, greet new arrivals, make friends, offer assistance; that will just add to the whole community and make this a great place to be. It does you NO GOOD just to join social networks. It's like joining a health club and never going to exercise; what a waste. I don't mean to be offensive, but I am telling the truth. Sometimes I wonder why so many join social networks and do nothing to contribute.
Another IMPORTANT thing NOT TO DO is DON'T promote your business on social networks. Especially if they are geared toward network marketers. People do not like to be pitched or sold. They don't want to be pitched on another business when they are trying to promote their own. Keep it social. Offer help and assistance; you will be received and go much farther. And just maybe you will gain a business partner down the road, but don't push it!
One more suggestion. Don't spread yourself so thin. Don't join thing after thing and be good at nothing. Join a couple of social networks and WORK THEM. Miracles will happen! I want everyone reading this blog to succeed. The more people who succeed; the better our economy and the better the world we live in will become. May God bless you all!
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