Toxic thoughts call stall or kill your chances of success. The king of all toxic thoughts is fear. The six basic fears are:
- · The FEAR of Poverty
- · The FEAR of Criticism
- · The FEAR of Ill Health
- · The FEAR of Loss of a Loved One
- · The FEAR of Old Age
- · The FEAR of Death
I used to be captive to all the fears (at least more so than I am today). I feared poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age and the biggest fear of all: Death.
When I was young, money was always tight in the family. Many times we could do or have things because of the lack of money. My Dad worked two jobs just to make ends meet and provide for the family. Even with all that hard work, there was lack in one-way or another. As I grew and entered adulthood the fear of lack grew with me. To make matters worse, I bought into the religious philosophy of poverty being a virtue. I came to believe that riches were “of the devil” and I should not seek riches or wealth but be “content” with what I had.
Every time I attempted to do something to gain wealth the religious beliefs, that I held, stopped me. I always wanted to make a go of network marketing because I knew that was a great vehicle to gain wealth and financial freedom. My aunt and uncle were in network marketing and they seemed to always have money, nice homes and cars. However, I never could follow though with my desires because of the lingering fear that wealth was something bad. Thus I remained broke and unfulfilled.
By God’s mercy, about 3 years ago a chain of events took place that changed my life forever! I believe it was God working “all things together for good.” My wife and I became quite tight financially. I was making good money, but no matter how much I made, it seemed to disappear. Actually, for a college drop out, I was doing VERY well, but my pockets had holes. I offered faithfully, yet lack was still present. Now I understand what the “hole” was; it was the Fear of Lack. The fear of lack kept me in lack. I began seeking the Lord for the way. Eventually I was introduced to Mike Murdock and that lead to many other teachers and writers on the subject of wealth and abundance. I began a quest to study wealth from both the Biblical and secular perspective. My studies began to open my eyes, big time.
God is rich and abundant. Lack isn’t even in His comprehension. Everything He touches produces MORE. He touched 5 loaves and 2 fish and ended up feeding over 5,000 people with PLENTY left over! The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ came that we would have life and have is MORE ABUNDANTLY. He touched a withered had and it became whole. The dead were raised and the blind saw. Why, because He knew no lack. It is IMPOSSIBLE for lack to exist in His presence. So why was I buying into being broke as the “way it should be” philosophy? What can a “broke” person do to augment his or her own life or the life of another?
I have come to realize, for me, that it is okay to gain wealth. Even the Bible says that God gives us power to gain wealth. For the first time in my entire 53 years I am free from this fear…the fear of poverty. I have an abundant Source within me who WANTS me to be wealthy and share my wealth with others. Abundance is from God and is limitless. He wants me to enjoy all the riches He has for me.
With this freedom came the freedom from criticism. Man, was I living in that! I was always concerned about what “they” thought of me. I always wanted to make a “good impression.” I never wanted to be considered a “failure” or “money lover” or anything like that. But NO MORE! Today I am learning not to be concerned about what others think of me. What’s important is what God thinks of me and what I think of me. I know God thinks that I am awesome, so why should I feel any different than He does? If people want to judge, have at it; it only hurts them and not me. Yes, this fear creeps in every now and then, but now I have the knowledge of what it is and bid it farewell.
Ill health was somewhat a fear of mine. I would worry that I had some fatal disease whenever I had an ache or pain that I never had before. However, since my study of the mind-body connection and the knowledge of the power of thoughts I exercise to keep my mind off all thoughts of ill health and on thoughts of good health. I don’t often complain or mention my aches and pains. I just thank God for the health I do have and move on. Eventually, when I stop pay attention to those aches and pains, and exaggerate them by doing so, I find I am able to go on with little difficulty.
Because of time, I won’t discuss my experience of the other Big Fears. I do experience them, but I have endeavored to deal with them in the same fashion, take my focus off of that thing I fear and focus on the things I want. Instead of worrying about the loss of a loved one, I cherish those I love. Instead of fearing old age, I live life to the fullest and laugh a lot! As for death, no fear there because I believe in the One who overcame death that I could live forever.
Why do I mention this lesson on a blog concerning network marketing? The reason is that fear will affect your success if you don’t learn to deal with it. If you need help in dealing with fear, please contact me. I am a life and success coach and can assist you with overcoming your fears that you may reach the level of success that you desire.
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