Your “Why” is one of the most important factors to determine IF you will succeed in network marketing. Your “Why” is the REASON you want to or are doing this business in the first place. If your REASON is not BIG enough, you are toast!
How big does your reason have to be? My mentor taught me at least 99.9%. Let’s say your reason is only at 80% and you run into an 81% setback; you are done! Most people do not think about WHY they want to take on a network marketing business. They just join a company thinking they can make a few bucks or even get rich in 30 days. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but that just isn’t going to happen.
Let me tell you what WILL happen: All hell will break loose up to defeat you! You will run into criticism, money problems, bad decisions, mistakes, defeats, failures and everything else you can think of. And guess what most people do? They quit; they throw in the towel and just plain give up! That’s the people with a 99% “why” or less.
You better have a HUGE reason to get into this business. It can’t be just to make a few bucks. If you want to make a few bucks, get a job at StarBUCKS! It’s EASY to make a few bucks without the headaches associated with network marketing.
Wow, am I throwing on the cold water or what! No, I am just telling you the truth. I see people join my organization who eventually give up. They give up, not because they are quitters or lazy, they give up because they don’t have a big enough REASON.
Thomas Edison had a BIG reason as to why he wanted to develop the incandescent light bulb. If he only had a 70% “why, “ he would have given up after a few attempts. However, he tried OVER 10,000 times to get the filament to stay lit for more than a few seconds. Over 10,000 times! I believe his “why” was 100%!
If you have a big enough way, you will be SURE to succeed. Success is as certain as the sun comes up every morning and goes down every night to the one who has a 99.9% reason. Success comes to those with a big enough reason to hang on when the going gets rough. NOTHING can stop a person with a reason that is bigger than whatever obstacle you throw at it.
How do you determine your why? Just ask yourself two questions:
What do I love?
What do I hate?
Here is what I love:
I love freedom
I love spending time with my wife
I love serving the Lord
I love having money in my pocket at all times
I love giving without limitation
I love financial freedom
I love travel
I love serving people
Here is what I hate:
I hate poverty
I hate debt
I hate being told what to do
I hate being told where to go
I hate not being able to help others in need
I hate seeing people not use there full potential
These things are so big to me that NOTHING is going to stop me from building an amazingly big, hugely successful, and awesomely profitable network marketing business and bringing a lot of people with me in the process.
I would warn you that your “whys” have to be YOURS. You have to have strong FEELINGS about them. If your “whys” are absent of feeling; forget about success in network marketing. Keep your job; it’s much easier.
Speaking of ease, network marketing is NOT EASY. There is NOTHING easy about it. They call it netWORK marketing for a reason! This business will consume your energy and your time. However, if your “why” is 99.9% you will do it; you will plug away day-after-day until you achieve your dreams. You will stay up late at night and spend your weekends building your business while all you “buggies” are playing golf, video games, watching TV, and the like. But don’t sweat it; in time, you will be on the golf course and the overseas trips when all your buddies are working toward their gold watch! You will be the one able to call the shots in your life. You will be financially free while all your buddies are worried about how they are going to pay off their debt before retirement; which may never happen.
I challenge you to work on your “why” until you FEEL it; until you FEEL that NOTHING can stop you. Until you FEEL that no matter what happens, you are going to work at this until you have succeeded in all the areas of your life. A fair timetable is 3-5 years. Are you willing to spend 3-5 years to create the life of your dreams?
If not, asta la vista baby!
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