Note: This is the first in a series on the five laws to stratospheric success. These five laws were taken from the awesome book, THE GO-GIVER, by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
The Law of Value states that, your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. The common view is to hopefully get more in money than you give in value or at best, break even. However, to experience stratospheric success you must give more in value than you take in payment.
A good example is the book, THE GO-GIVER. I paid under $15.00 for the book. I don’t’ believe the paper it’s printed on is worth $15.00! However, the information contained in the book is PRICELESS. I believe that whoever buys the book and practices the five laws could conceivably become very wealthy over time. Therefore I feel that Mr. Burg and Mann have practiced the first law of stratospheric success.
We live in a dog-eat-dog; claw your way to the top world. It seems that everyone wants to be rich but many do it at the expense of others. Such people feel that to get ahead, one must take from others. After all, the pie is only so big and if one wants to get rich, they need more of the pie. To get more of the pie they must take somebody else’s piece. I have a news flash: The only lack is the lack between the ears of such thinkers. If you fall for what the media tells you are never going to succeed. They point out lack and depravity of mankind. But if you look around at creation you will see that lack is a myth. Everywhere I look, I see abundance. The abundance of air, water, light, and so forth. The only lack is the lack of belief and understanding of the principles of creation. More on this subject another time.
Look at the work place. It’s filled with people who feel, “The company owes me!” They do just enough work to get by and wonder why they can’t get ahead. They don’t realize that there are laws in effect. Do you want to get ahead? Give more in value then you are being paid. Eventually you will be noticed by management and given advancement and raises. If not, someone in another company will notice you and give you a better opportunity; it is law!
In network marketing it’s the same. If someone joins your team, do you take their money and run? Do you make money at the expense of others? Unfortunately this is all too common in network marketing. Do you want lasting, outstanding success? The key is to give more in value than you receive in payment. Give more training. Be there when your affiliates need you. If you can’t help them, point them to someone who can. Make your affiliates feel that they received much more in value than they paid in money. Do this and watch your business GROW into the stratosphere.
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