This is the fifth and final article based on the book, THE GO-GIVER by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
The Law of Receptivity states that the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
Do you have a problem receiving? Is it hard for you to receive a gift without FEELING the need to pay someone back? If it is, you need to see, experience, and accept the final law to stratospheric success: Receptivity.
Wonderful things have been happening to me since deciding to freely receive: I have been getting MORE! I have a habit of gifting books to people (giving), with no problem. I think books are some of the greatest gifts one can give. If they are good books, they can change a person’s life. As I have been giving, all of a sudden I have been receiving books from others. Now these are not just books, they are GREAT books.
When I first started getting these books in the mail, I FELT a need to do something in return. However, since I learned the Law of Receptivity, I have received the gifts with a big “Thank You.” I dismiss all thoughts of needing to “pay the giver back.” That attitude robs THEM of blessing.
Here is how the whole thing works. You give and the result of your giving gives you a good FEELING. Not only that, but your giving starts a flow of receiving. If you don’t receive you end up stopping that flow and shut off the blessing to the giver.
If you offer me a nice pen, and I don’t receive it from you, I cut off the blessing to you and stop the flow of receiving to me. However, if I thankfully receive your gift I bring the blessing of giving into your life, which will bring you more receiving. This is a cycle that we must NEVER stop! So, don’t be a dam in this cycle. Let it flow! Give and be WILLING to receive and you WILL received beyond what you have given; pressed down, shaken together and running over! Try it; you’ll like it!
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