Friday, June 13, 2008

MLM Prelaunch Opportunities - The Odds Are Against Success

Headline:  Prelaunch opportunity.  Get on the ground floor of this exciting new business and make the big bucks!  The time is now!  If you wait, you will be sorry. 

Here is what I do when I hear of a prelaunch opportunity.  I make sure my shoes are laced up tight and run! I don’t run toward the so-called opportunity; I run as far away FROM it as I can.

The failure rate of startup companies in the MLM world is 80%-90% the first year!  I have read that after two years, 1 in 100 start-up MLM companies will still be around to send you your check.  That is a 1% chance of survival.  You have a better chance of success in front of a slot machine in Vegas than you would with a prelaunch opportunity. 

If you are looking for an chance of success in MLM, I would look at a company that has been around longer than 2 years.  I would also talk to affiliates of that company and see if anyone is actually making money. 

To put it to you bluntly, a prelaunch is a gamble and the odds are stacked against you of coming out of it a winner.  I have been in several prelaunch opportunities and every one of them ended up being duds.  I have spent thousands before I learned the lesson.

One day, as I was failing and totally frustrated; I came across an eBook that changed everything for me.  The eBook is called, Success in 10 Steps, by Michael Dlouhy.   It is the best book on the subject of network marketing that I ever read, and it was free.  I would suggest you pick up your copy today.  Save yourself years of frustration and countless dollars in wasted advertising.  The enlightenment in this FREE eBook is priceless.  And whatever you do, don’t fall for the prelaunch hype!

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