Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Success Starts on the Inside

Most people have it all wrong. They try to copy what others do and expect to get the same results. That may work for a short time, but true success starts on the inside. I teach people that outward doings will not produce lasting results. The first thing we have to do to gain lasting success is change our way of thinking.

It is said that we become what we think about. Our thoughts need to change. When they do, our world will change with them. One of the most powerful ways to change is the stop allowing the negative influences from without penetrate our mind. If you are a news junkie, you are in big trouble. I seldom hear good news on TV or the radio. CNN should be call, "Constant Negative News."

I hate listening to news or reading anything negative. Though this "bad news" may be a reality for others, it does not have to be for you. If you allow the garbage of the world to get into your thoughts you will live out the same. The trash that gets into our minds will come out of our mouth. When that happens, creation takes place. As we speak negative things we create for ourselves a negative world and thus end up with a less then desirable life.

How do you achieve success? Keep yourself positive. Invest in YOU. Read positive books everyday...yes everyday! Develop a good and healthy self-talk. Have you ever listened to the way to talk to yourself? If not, take a few days and listen. You will be surprised. No wonder success escapes so many. They talk themselves down and speak things into being by their demeaning self-talk. Change your inward talk and you will change your life. One of the best ways to do this is, like I said, invest in YOU. Purchase good books and audio programs. Shut off the radio in your car. Skip the news; you don't need it. Lose the newspaper and steer clear of gossip.

Recently I joined the 30 Day Mental Cleanse by Mentoring for Free. What a life-changing experience. I recommend it to everyone who wants to see their dreams become a reality. To find out more, send me a private email and I will fill you in on how to get involved.I also recommend a few good books that will greatly help you in your quest for success:

  • Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
  • Beach Money, Jordan Adler
  • Mach II With Your Hair on Fire, Richard B. Brooke
  • The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson
  • The Go-Giver, Bob Berg & John David Mann

These are great books for network marketers and will help you clean up your inner you. Change your thoughts and your whole world will change.

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