Monday, June 16, 2008

Discouragement - The Test of Success

It is not uncommon for network marketers to experience discouragement.  Discouragement often comes when you are trying to break out of the box.  When you are reaching for your dreams you are doing something that 97% of the population never does.  Dreaming is one thing; taking action to make those dreams come true is quite another.

Thomas Edison, no doubt, got discouraged when trying to discover the way to make the incandescent work.  He tried over 10,000 times!  Even though would get discouraged he kept on trying until the answer came...and it did!  

Napoleon Hill, author of THINK AND GROW RICH, got discouraged while trying to come up with the success formula to riches.  He spend over 20 years studying over 500 of the wealthiest people on the planet to come up with his now famous formula for success.  Though he was ridiculed for his attempt to do such a work, he kept on going until he succeeded.  Dr. Hill has probably produced more millionaires through his work than we will ever know.  Did he let discouragement keep him down?  If it did, the world would be a different place today.

My point is that discouragement must and will come.  It's what you do with it that makes all the difference.  God rewards those who persevere when others would just quit, and most will.

Are you a quitter, or are you one of the 3% that will fight on against all odds?  I can assure you that is you conquer discouragement you WILL eventually find the success you seek; you will reach the dreams you long for.

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