Okay, I admit, this apparently has NOTHING to do with MLM Success, but I can assure you that it does. I just wrote to my Senator's and Congressman regarding my feelings about how our elected officials are doing. I took a letter written by a Glenn Beck listener and modified it. I then sent it to my representatives. I would suggest you write your representatives as well. For if you don't, you may wake up one morning with less freedom and thus less of an opportunity to be successful. The amount of freedom you have is in proportion to your freedoms. Don't give them up. Now is the time to fight for our freedoms before our elected officials pick them off one by one. Don't let them continue to introduce and support policies that will kill our chances for ultimate success and even worse, our children and grandchildren's.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Make Your Voice Heard. Your Freedoms Depend on It!
Okay, I admit, this apparently has NOTHING to do with MLM Success, but I can assure you that it does. I just wrote to my Senator's and Congressman regarding my feelings about how our elected officials are doing. I took a letter written by a Glenn Beck listener and modified it. I then sent it to my representatives. I would suggest you write your representatives as well. For if you don't, you may wake up one morning with less freedom and thus less of an opportunity to be successful. The amount of freedom you have is in proportion to your freedoms. Don't give them up. Now is the time to fight for our freedoms before our elected officials pick them off one by one. Don't let them continue to introduce and support policies that will kill our chances for ultimate success and even worse, our children and grandchildren's.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Think it. Speak it. Manifest it.
Your thinking is most important. It is the birthplace of all manifestation. When a thought is emotionalized that becomes a belief. When you speak forth your beliefs often enough over time, those beliefs will manifest.
Our mind, emotion, and speech all work together to bring about the creation of our lives. What is manifested in our life right now is a result of your emotionalized thought and speech. When I say speech, I mean your verbalized talk. Self-talk is powerful, but verbalized speech is most powerful.
If you want to change the outcome of your life you must start with your thinking. Think of things you want to manifest in your life and supercharge them with the power of your emotions—then speak them forth. Over time you will discover your life is different and in line with what you want to manifest.
This is not magic; it is the way we were designed by our Creator. God made us in His image after His likeness and He gave us the power to create. We cannot create something out of nothing as He can, but we can create pretty much anything we want in our life based on what He already created. Thomas Edison “created” a light bulb based on God’s creation of light. The Wright brother’s created an airplane based on God’s creation of flight (birds).
What do you want? Think it. Speak it. Manifest it. It’s all within your God-given power. Don’t settle for the way things are. Don’t take the back seat waiting for life to happen to you. Get behind the wheel and make your life happen! Hey, and have fun doing it!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Discouragement - Your Key to Success
Discouragement. We all experience it. We all have to face it at on time or another. However, I am here to tell you that it is not all bad. Actually discouragement is GOOD!
I have learned over the years that in this universe there is a law that few know little about. It’s called the Law of Duality. This law basically says that there are always two sides: Front and back, left and right, hot and cold, good and evil, happiness and sadness, up and down, light and darkness, and so forth. Well, discouragement is no different.
Discouragement often leads to depression, however, it can also do something else. Discouragement(s) can open doors! Discouragement can make you OPEN and COACHABLE. When things are going well and you are flying high you often do not learn. You “think” you know it all and hold all the secrets to success. You “think” that you are unstoppable and often criticize and condemn others for the lack of success in the area(s) that you are so “good” at.
Then it happens! You hit the wall. You come to a place where NOTHING seems to work. When this happens there can be two different results. Either you give up or you start SEEKING. Believe it or not, MOST people give up! It’s easier to give up than to OPEN up. To open up you must begin to ask, seek, and knock on every door until you find the answers that you are seeking.
The “bright side” of discouragements is that they make you coachable. I know when I am discouraged I go to God and seek His wisdom. I often talk to my wife or companions and seek their advice. I have more of a tendency to read, study, and find the answers to my dilemma. I become humble. Humility is a huge factor for your success. The Bible tells us that when we are humbled we will be exalted in “due time.” It also says when we are proud we will be MADE humble.
When you “hit the wall,” ask yourself, “Am I proud?” “Have I lost my ability to learn?” “Am I couchable?” Chances are your discouragement will prove to be your biggest ASSET. It will bring you back to the reason most succeed: Being COACHABLE and willing to LEARN.
So if you are discouraged at times, it is GOOD. For through your discouragement you will ask, seek, knock, and eventually be lead to a bigger and brighter future. Or of course, you can do what most do: GIVE UP. The choice is ALWAYS yours!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Stop Doing What Doesn't Work!
Are you tired of all the so-called F*R*E*E* stuff being promoted on the Internet only to find out that you have to PAY for the "rest of the story?"
Learn the GOOD, bad, and ugly of network marketing. BECOME a guru in no time.
You've seen this dozens of times and clicked on by because you had to keep doing it YOUR WAY and guess what? YOUR WAY hasn’t worked and won’t work in the future. Learn from someone who has EXPERIENCED the success you desire by using this SAME PROVEN SYSTEM. DUPLICATE the system and you will DUPLICATE the SUCCESS! Or, go ahead and beat yourself up and eventually give up!
Maybe it's FEAR holding you back. FEAR is the most powerful force that holds most people back from the SUCCESS they crave. Do you know how to overcome fear? FACE IT! Challenge it and OVERCOME it! I will be there to show you how.
Don't let YOUR DREAMS die! Make them happen! Again, my team will teach you and spend as much time with you as you need to succeed. I am talking one-on-one! We will do it for F*R*E*E* from a heart that cares. We believe in PAYING-IT-FORWARD, GO-GIVING! It works everytime!
Stop KIDDING YOURSELF. Confess it’s not happening for you and Take action NOW....You have NOTHING to lose!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Elevator or the Shaft?
There are so many “free” offers out there. Offers for “free” eBooks, audios, and such are being promoted every single day. Here is the problem: Are you getting the Elevator or the Shaft?
Let’s start with the SHAFT. You know you are getting the shaft when you are offered something for free and you end up only getting only part of the promised help. They put a price tag on the “rest of the story.” The information you get for free entices you enough to download the information so you will have to cough up the big bucks later. It is a tactic to get your information and then get you to buy something to line “their” products.
So many people are out their seeking genuine help. They are looking for someone who will genuinely offer some training to help them build THEIR business. Most of these folks has spend all their money because they got the shaft, not just once, in most cases but several times.
Rarely will you get the ELEVATOR; something that will help you get to the top without motive or agenda. Do you know how RARE that is? I personally looked for years and in the process got beat up and bruised. I burned through thousands of dollars and was about to reach the end of my rope. It was at that time I found Mentoring for Free. This program offered me more FREE training than I could handle. To this day I can’t believe that the folks at Mentoring for Free offer such training for FREE! After years of getting the shaft, I finally got an elevator.
If you are tired of getting the shaft, please let me know. I would be delighted to help you with NO AGENDA and NO attempt to get you into another business. You deserve a elevator, so hop on board and I will see you at the top!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What's Your Number
You know you are that you are not making as much money as you could in an opportunity when:
· When the company uses celebrity endorsements
· When the company is publically held
· When the company boasts of fancy headquartersWhen the company owns corporate jets
· When the company supports a huge call center
· When the company has a huge employee payroll
All the above items cost money. Guess who pays for all of this stuff? The distributor or affiliate! No, you say, the company does! No, I say, you do! Whatever the company spends money on, that money is coming out of the pay plan, it’s that simple.
Celebrities do not do endorsements for free. It costs money, big money, and that money eventually affects the pay plan. Publically held companies have stockholders to pay and guess where that money comes from? You guessed it, the pay plan. Everything else in the list above is pretty self-explanatory.
The best company to join is a company that has a streamline business model. A company that uses technology to keep costs down and affiliate pay plans high. One way to determine if your company, or a company you are considering is streamline, ask the $10,000 question: “How many people will I have to have in my organization to make $10,000 a month?” That is a very fair question to ask and it is surprising how many do not know that answer. I bet if you asked your sponsor, they would not know.
When I asked my sponsor how many people I would need in my down line, she answered me immediately. She told me about 350 people. That blew me away. Most plans that I looked at were in the 2,500 range! Later I found out that her sponsor did it with only 253 people! That was a mind blower! Getting 350 people in an organization is a lot easier than 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 or more.
I am boasting so you will join my company. I am educating you to ask the question. You need to know your number. It is important to have a target to aim at or an idea what it is going to take to gain what you desire in network marketing. You may not need $10,000 a month, but just think how much easier it would be to make an extra $1,000 or $2,000 a month by being involved with a streamline company.
I have been in network marketing for years and see people working their tail off and having little or nothing to show for it. Find, what I call, a 5-pillar company, and you will have a better chance of fulfilling your dreams. If you would like to learn more about what to look for in a five pillar company, please contact me and I will send you a audio file on that topic. The audio is generic and mentions NO companies.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Be Like Al - A Story About Time
Monday, April 27, 2009
Take Care of Mother!
Mother's Day is soon going to be here and it's a great time to consider what to get for dear old Mom. I lost my mother to cancer a couple of years ago and miss her a lot. So take care of you Mom while she is still with you!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Now is the Time to Build
We are in and heading for unprecedented economic times. Now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand and wish it all away. Your job, my job, and all jobs are on the ropes. What the job market will be a few months or a year from now does not look promising. Our governments cannot be trusted for they have proven themselves incapable of doing what is necessary to gain control of the economic situation. They are the cause! Our employers have to look out for themselves and their bottom line to stay in business. The only person who is capable of creating a secure future for you and your loved ones is YOU.
Traditional jobs are going to be VERY competitive to obtain. I saw a real estate agent, who was very successful in years past, now working in Starbucks. I have nothing against Starbucks, but a JOB is still a JOB. Even the medical profession is not safe. In my city, hospitals are laying off staff. This is not because people are not getting sick, it’s because people are dropping insurance because they can’t afford the premiums. (If you are in nutrition, blessed are you because people will do more to stay healthy because of medical costs.)
What does look promising is starting your own business. Wise people are looking hard at network marketing as an alternative plan to their current job. It is no longer being considered as a Plan B, it may be the ONLY plan. With network marketing you can start a new business for about $200.00 and have little overhead and no employees to deal with. Now is the time to get serious about building your network marketing business (I can’t say this enough).
Network marketing has always been recession proof, the question is: Is it depression proof? I believe that it is. My advice is that you do not delay in building your business. Don’t put it off another day. Do whatever you have to do, learn the skills necessary to build your business. Turn off the TV, stop playing the video games and spend the time to build your business NOW! I believe time is running out and you and I need to be ready for the people who will be seeking new opportunities.
Mentoring for Free is a PROVEN system that helps folks just like you to build successful network marketing organizations. Our program helps people from the inside out and teaches the necessary skills to become the best they can be. We offer plenty of FREE training to anyone willing to invest their time to create the future of THEIR design.
We also offer one-on-one mentorship for those who can’t seem to get the right help from their upline. If your company has “modified” your compensation plan and taking money out of your pocket, we can help there too!
Listen, I believe the time is NOW! Get serious and build, build, build. Introduce you business opportunity and promote your awesome products. If you need help with that, we can assist you. We teach people HOW to do everything necessary to build strong businesses and we do it for FREE.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Making Money in Network Marketing
There are basically two ways to make money in network marketing. One way is to recruit new people into your business. Out of 20 people who you talk to, one may be interested in a business venture.
The other way is to develop a retail customer base. The challenge here is that most products promoted through network marketing are too expensive. Why would someone pay twice as much for something that they could get in a local health food store for much less. If the price of your products is high, that leaves you with only one alternative to make money: RECRUIT. Let’s face it; the average person just won’t recruit. If they won’t recruit, how can they make money?
Recruiting is fine if you have a duplicatable system to plug people into, but most companies do not have such a system even though they say they do. They leave that up to the affiliate and 99% don’t have a clue how to build a substantial network marketing business.
Now back to the retail scenario. I have a close friend whose wife is in a very well known network marketing company. He takes a 30-day supply of their vitamins. Guess how much he pays (wholesale)? He spends $120.00 per month! Let me ask you a question. How many people do you know who can afford to shell out that kind of cash for vitamins? This is the problem with most network marketing companies. They make it impossible to retail! Why are the prices so high? It is NOT because they are special products from a secret formula. They are manufactured much like any other good vitamin. The reason they are so high is mainly because of the overhead. These companies spend millions of dollars per month for a fully functional call center and lots of employees to handle the calls. Others spend a boatload of money on celebrity endorsements, advertising campaigns, and company jets! This is money that is taken out of the compensation plan and this is money that has to be added to the “cost of doing business.” This drives up product costs.
There is a better way. I know of a company that makes it VERY possible to build a huge retail business. Those vitamin packs I told you about earlier, they RETAIL for less than $40.00 for a full months supply! Now do you think you could recommend a quality product with that price point? The same type of Vitamin costs just under $60.00 at a national chain health food store! All the products with this company are priced at a very reasonable range. Now you can argue with me about quality and I will take the challenge. Call me anytime. If a product doesn’t work, how long do you think a person could sell it? These products have been around for nearly 6 years and people LOVE them! Shoot, I LOVE them! This company has a very nice retail site and gives affiliates 20% of all retail sales that go through their site!
Now you have a company that promotes products that can be retailed and an affiliate can start receiving checks in the mail right away. People who receive money will more likely stay in your organization and will work harder to do two things: recruit affiliates and promote products. For every affiliate recruited, a nice bonus is paid. For all sales in your organization, a nice retail bonus is paid. This is the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
Oh, by the way, you don’t have to be a sales person to promote products. You do it almost everyday. Think of it as recommending products that you love. If you like a restaurant, don’t you recommend it? How about movies, do you recommend any? When you do, did you ever get paid for doing so? Why not get paid for recommending products that promote excellent health and products that you will never have to be ashamed of.
Oh, here is the kicker. This company has a duplicatable system that works every single time, if you use it. If you are coachable, you can achieve outstanding success with this outfit. The teamwork is amazing. This makes it possible for someone who could never recruit before to start recruiting successfully.
If you are interested in finding out more about this company, please let me know. If not, let my team help you to grow the business you are currently in. Either way, I am here to help.