There are so many “free” offers out there. Offers for “free” eBooks, audios, and such are being promoted every single day. Here is the problem: Are you getting the Elevator or the Shaft?
Let’s start with the SHAFT. You know you are getting the shaft when you are offered something for free and you end up only getting only part of the promised help. They put a price tag on the “rest of the story.” The information you get for free entices you enough to download the information so you will have to cough up the big bucks later. It is a tactic to get your information and then get you to buy something to line “their” products.
So many people are out their seeking genuine help. They are looking for someone who will genuinely offer some training to help them build THEIR business. Most of these folks has spend all their money because they got the shaft, not just once, in most cases but several times.
Rarely will you get the ELEVATOR; something that will help you get to the top without motive or agenda. Do you know how RARE that is? I personally looked for years and in the process got beat up and bruised. I burned through thousands of dollars and was about to reach the end of my rope. It was at that time I found Mentoring for Free. This program offered me more FREE training than I could handle. To this day I can’t believe that the folks at Mentoring for Free offer such training for FREE! After years of getting the shaft, I finally got an elevator.
If you are tired of getting the shaft, please let me know. I would be delighted to help you with NO AGENDA and NO attempt to get you into another business. You deserve a elevator, so hop on board and I will see you at the top!
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