Discouragement. We all experience it. We all have to face it at on time or another. However, I am here to tell you that it is not all bad. Actually discouragement is GOOD!
I have learned over the years that in this universe there is a law that few know little about. It’s called the Law of Duality. This law basically says that there are always two sides: Front and back, left and right, hot and cold, good and evil, happiness and sadness, up and down, light and darkness, and so forth. Well, discouragement is no different.
Discouragement often leads to depression, however, it can also do something else. Discouragement(s) can open doors! Discouragement can make you OPEN and COACHABLE. When things are going well and you are flying high you often do not learn. You “think” you know it all and hold all the secrets to success. You “think” that you are unstoppable and often criticize and condemn others for the lack of success in the area(s) that you are so “good” at.
Then it happens! You hit the wall. You come to a place where NOTHING seems to work. When this happens there can be two different results. Either you give up or you start SEEKING. Believe it or not, MOST people give up! It’s easier to give up than to OPEN up. To open up you must begin to ask, seek, and knock on every door until you find the answers that you are seeking.
The “bright side” of discouragements is that they make you coachable. I know when I am discouraged I go to God and seek His wisdom. I often talk to my wife or companions and seek their advice. I have more of a tendency to read, study, and find the answers to my dilemma. I become humble. Humility is a huge factor for your success. The Bible tells us that when we are humbled we will be exalted in “due time.” It also says when we are proud we will be MADE humble.
When you “hit the wall,” ask yourself, “Am I proud?” “Have I lost my ability to learn?” “Am I couchable?” Chances are your discouragement will prove to be your biggest ASSET. It will bring you back to the reason most succeed: Being COACHABLE and willing to LEARN.
So if you are discouraged at times, it is GOOD. For through your discouragement you will ask, seek, knock, and eventually be lead to a bigger and brighter future. Or of course, you can do what most do: GIVE UP. The choice is ALWAYS yours!
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