I know that sounds offensive, but it might be true. I know, because I WAS one! Let me explain what I mean by being a motivated idiot…
Someone came to you (and me) one day and presented you with an opportunity to make money from home. After hearing the presentation you got excited! The thought of making BIG money while in your PJ’s sounded pretty cool. Staying home with the kids and going on long vacations sounded even better. Paying off all debt and living a dream life of financial freedom sounded out of this world! So what did you do? You plunked down the money and joined the business opportunity.
Now this is where the idiot part comes in. You are motivated and want to make the BIG BUCKS, but don’t have a clue what to do. Your sponsor tells you to make a “vision board” and to think positive thoughts. He or she tells you to make a list and talk to as many people are you can about your business. So you make your vision board, say your affirmations, build your list, talk about your business to family and friends and guess what? Nothing (or very little) happens and before you know if you are unmotivated and out of business! Your dreams are dead and your hopes are dashed. The problem is you do it all over again the next time an “opportunity” is presented and so the cycle continues until one day you just plain give up, quit, call it a day, throw in the towel, etc. Why? Because you are what I call a MOTIVATED IDIOT (please don’t be offended because there is hope for you...honest)!
Do you want to know what will make it all work for you? Do you want to finally have the success you dreamed of? Do you want to become a motivated SUCCESS? You can! If one person can have success, anyone can. All you need is the missing ingredient. Would you like to know what that is? If you are serious, go to my website and download this free eBook and then I will tell you what the missing ingredient is. This information WILL change your life IF you APPLY it. I know, for it has changed mine! So if you are serious about success, about finally making it and seeing those BIG checks coming in the mail get the eBook now!
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