There are basically two ways to make money in network marketing. One way is to recruit new people into your business. Out of 20 people who you talk to, one may be interested in a business venture.
The other way is to develop a retail customer base. The challenge here is that most products promoted through network marketing are too expensive. Why would someone pay twice as much for something that they could get in a local health food store for much less. If the price of your products is high, that leaves you with only one alternative to make money: RECRUIT. Let’s face it; the average person just won’t recruit. If they won’t recruit, how can they make money?
Recruiting is fine if you have a duplicatable system to plug people into, but most companies do not have such a system. They leave that up to the affiliate and 99% don’t have a clue how to build a substantial network marketing business.
Now back to the retail scenario. I have a close friend whose wife is in a very well known network marketing company. He takes a 30-day supply of their vitamins. Guess how much he pays (wholesale)? He spends $120.00 per month! Let me ask you a question. How many people do you know who can afford to shell out that kind of cash for vitamins? This is the problem with most network marketing companies. They make it impossible to retail! Why are the prices so high? It is NOT because they are special products from a secret formula. They are manufactured much like any other good vitamin. The reason they are so high is mainly because of the overhead. These companies spend millions of dollars per month for a fully functional call center and lots of employees to handle the calls. Others spend a boatload of money on celebrity endorsements and company jets! This is money that is taken out of the compensation plan and this is money that has to be added to the “cost of doing business.” This drives up product costs.
There is a better way. I know of a company that makes it VERY possible to build a huge retail business. Those vitamin packs I told you about earlier, they RETAIL for less than $40.00 for a full months supply! Now do you think you could recommend a quality product with that price point? The same type of Vitamin costs just under $60.00 at a national chain health food store! All the products with this company are priced at a very reasonable range. Now you can argue with me about quality and I will take the challenge. Call me anytime. If a product doesn’t work, how long do you think a person could sell it? These products have been around for nearly 6 years and people LOVE them! Shoot, I LOVE them! This company has a very nice retail site and gives affiliates 20% of all retail sales that go through their site!
Now you have a company that promotes products that can be retailed and an affiliate can start receiving checks in the mail right away. People who receive money will want more and will work harder to do two things: recruit affiliates and promote products. For every affiliate recruited, a nice bonus is paid. For all sales in your organization, a nice retail bonus is paid. This is the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
Oh, by the way, you don’t have to be a sales person to promote products. You do it almost everyday. Think of it as recommending products that you love. If you like a restaurant, don’t you recommend it? How about movies, do you recommend any? When you do, did you ever get paid for doing so? Why not get paid for recommending products that promote excellent health and products that you will never have to be ashamed of.
Oh, here is the kicker. This company has a duplicatable system that works every single time, if you use it. If you are coachable, you can achieve outstanding success with this outfit. The teamwork is amazing. This makes it possible for someone who could never recruit before to start recruiting successfully.
If you are interested in finding out more about this company, please let me know. If not, let my team help you to grow the business you are currently in. Either way, I am here to help.
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