Have you ever considered when you will be financially free? When will you be able to live the lifestyle that you dream about and do what you want, when you want?
Here is a little test you can take to determine your “freedom factor:”
1. When would you like to retire?
___ One Year
___ Two Years
___ Five Years
___ Ten Years
2. Now that you have determined that, what is your plan to reach this goal?
3. How much money do you need to make monthly to be financially free?
___ $1,000.00
___ $2,000.00
___ $5,000.00
___ $10,000.00
Now that you have a monthly income in mind, how do you plan to receive this income?
To determine the amount of investment that you will need (at 6% interest) to achieve you income goal in question 3, please multiply that amount by 200*:
$ ____________ X 200 = $ _________________
Now here is the big question: How do you plan to accumulate this money?
*Example: To produce $5,000 in monthly income, you would need to invest $ 1 Million ($5,000 X 200). $1 Million @ 6% interest creates $60,000 a year in income. Divide $60,000 by 12 months and you will make $5,000 a month.
The chances are that you will not be able to put $1 Million in a bank anytime soon. You would have to save $16,000 a month to have $1 Million dollars accumulated in a 5 year period! That’s $16,000 a month AFTER you pay for food, gas, utilities, mortgage, credits cards, car payments, etc.
What you need is Mailbox Money. If you are interested in finding out more about how to earn Mailbox Money, please contact me and I will teach you how to get a check in the mail every week for the income that you need to achieve your “freedom factor.” I have one of the fastest programs available to achieve your “freedom factor,” so contact me today.
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