Network marketing is better than any job, career, business or investment opportunity. Here are the 10 biggest reasons why:
1. Low-to-No Financial Risk. Start your very own business for as little as a few hundred dollars—plus all you need to start and stay profitable.
2. Be Your Own Boss. There is nothing like working for yourself. You can work part-time, full-time, where and when you want.
3. Superior Quality Products. Innovative, one-of-a-kind, high-demand and high-impact products and services that are not found in retail establishments. Unlimited market potential.
4. Impressive Tax Advantages. Legally putting thousands of dollars a year in your pocket from home-based business tax-savings.
5. No Restrictions. No Set Hours. No commuting. No employees. No high overhead. No restrictions in territory. No dress code. No franchise fees or royalties to pay. No limitations on how high you can go!
6. 100 Billion plus International Sales. More than 20 million independent business people in North America alone, where annual growth rates of 30% to 1500% are common! Plus an expanding global market.
7. Open to All regardless of age, sex, race, education, experience, income level, capital investment, family or business background, past success or failure.
8. In-Depth Training/Support that promotes the highest levels of personal and professional growth, business and leadership skills and development.
9. Immediate Income. The very real opportunity to earn from $500-$2500 a month part-time replacing your full-time income in two years, plus the possibility of $10,000-$20,000 a month and more as a full-time career
10. Freedom. Living the “Lifestyle of a Millionaire” without the burdens, hassles and responsibilities. Your time and your life are yours; more fun, travel, play, meeting new friends, enjoying your family.
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