Warning! The post you are about to read may make your blood boil! I hope it does!
The main deep-seated desire of mankind is freedom. Freedom is the most precious commodity on this planet.
The country in which I live, the United States of America, was founded because of the pursuit of freedom. Our founding fathers were pursuing freedom from government oppression, freedom of religion, freedom from over-taxation, freedom to use their God-given abilities to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
However, at the age of 53 I am seeing our freedoms being systematically taken away. The government is telling the people that they cannot make it on their own. They need the government to take care of them. The American media is an accomplice in this conspiracy to socialize our country and it is making me sick!
More and more politicians are promoting welfare programs to rob from the rich and give to the poor. They are promoting class envy with the hopes that the majority of the people will fall for their lies and support them in socializing our wonderful county.
The latest attempt in taking away our freedom was the recent bailout bill passed by the U.S. Senate and Congress. Now the government has control of our home mortgages. Why was the bailout needed? Because our politicians, in order to get votes, felt that it is the “right” of every American to own a home. Now they are saying that it is the “right” of every American to have healthcare. Next they will be saying that it is the “right” of every American to own a Roll Royce! The Constitutions of the United States of America provides for the “right” of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. All three of these things are under attack! Babies are being murdered (right to life). Our freedoms are being taken away, one by one (bye, bye liberty), and the PURSUIT of happiness is soon to follow!
The Constitution provides for the freedom to “pursue” happiness, it does not make it a right. It’s up to the individual to create the life of their dreams and thus obtain the happiness that they desire. It is not the government’s job or responsibility to make you happy! Every time our politicians get involved by “trying” to make a group of people happy, the chances for obtaining happiness is greatly diminished! Look at the old U.S.S.R., Cuba, and every other communist (socialistic) society. Socialism does NOT promote happiness. Socialism is just a nice word for slavery! Why do you thing folks in socialistic or communist societies would do anything to get into our country! They want what we have: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
I have a job and a network marketing business. I work hard in my pursuit of happiness. My happiness is up to me, not anyone else, especially the government! The U.S. government’s ONLY job is to make sure I STAY FREE!
Here is my belief: I believe that most of the people on this planet are capable of greatness. They are capable of achieving all of their dreams. God has made us with the ability to achieve what we conceive and believe in our mind. For those born handicapped, it’s up to us to us, as individuals, to supply for their needs. We are capable of helping others without government intervention. Mankind is essentially good and willing to help those less fortunate. What I mean by “less fortunate” are those who have no ability to care for themselves. I am more than willing to provide help for such persons. However, I am not willing to give my hard EARNED money to ANYONE who thinks they DESERVE it! You DESERVE what YOU EARN. You DO NOT deserve the wealth of others.
I believe that the news outlets, universities, and Hollywood are responsible to the dumbing down of the American people. They are feeding the “your owe me” mentality. We are being fed lies and propaganda every single day. It’s time to stop allowing them to feed us their B.S. and educate ourselves with the truth. You owe it to yourselves, your children and your grandchildren to stand up and guard the freedoms that made us the richest most powerful country in the world. Ignorance is now the greatest communicable disease in the world, don’t let it infect you or those you love.
If you are reading this, you are probably in network marketing. Why do you want a home based business? My guess is to obtain MORE freedom! You, like most of us, want freedom from debt and freedom of time. We want abundance and know we can obtain it. You are probably putting in long hours to build your business to make your dream a reality. Are you doing it so the government can take MORE of your money? Are you willing to LET them take YOUR money so they can give it to underachievers! I think not!
Today, the mainstream media and liberal politicians want to play Robin Hood. They want to take from the “Have’s” and give to the “Have Not’s.” They claim that it is the patriotic thing to do. Recently, Joe Biden said that it “was the patriotic thing to do.” Well it is not! It is foolish to hold such a concept! I want control of my money and give it to whom and where I see fit. It’s not Uncle Sam’s job to do so nor is it the media’s job to condemn those who are wealthy. Let’s face it; under achiever never hired anyone! An under achiever never build a wing onto a hospital. A under achiever never donated $250,000 to the Cancer Society. It’s the dreamers, achievers, and responsible citizens that have made this country great, and let’s not stop now!
Stand up! Let your voice be heard! Fight for your right to Pursue Happiness. If you don’t, I am afraid that our children and grandchildren will never know the joy of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
God bless you. God bless your pursuit of happiness. God bless the U.S.A.!
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