According to the Bible, faith is the “assurance” of things hoped for, the “proof “of what is not seen. Assurance and proof are pretty strong words for something that you don’t have in your experience yet; for something that you can not SEE. But when you think about it, it’s all a matter of perspective.
A great way to understand this is to look at a farmer. He sows seeds and has “faith” that a crop will be produced. He doesn’t worry or fret about it; he just expects that it will happen. He has faith that the seed planted will produce the intended crop.
My employer deposits my wages directly into my bank account. I have faith that the monies I earned will be in my account every other Friday. I do not give it a second thought. I “know” that the money will be there even though it’s not in my “experience” now. I don’t check my account to see if it’s there; I know that it is. The farmer learned to trust the seed and I learned to trust my employer by exercising faith. The more one learns to trust, the more faith they develop.
Faith needs to be developed. The more you exercise or use your faith, the greater it will become. The speed that your dreams become a reality depends on the development of your faith. Anything you can conceive and believe can be achieved, but it largely depends on your faith, the belief that what you conceive is achieved already. It is just a matter of time before it’s manifestation.
Thomas Edison “knew” that he would develop the light bulb. Henry Ford “knew” that he would develop the V-8 engine. These gentlemen had no concept that it could not be done. The farmer knew the corn crop was in the seed in his hand. All of these men “knew” that what they dreamed was done already; they just needed to discover its reality. These men acted in faith.
Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can or you can’t; you are right.” Whatever you believe is so, IS SO. If you believe you can be a millionaire and have the faith necessary; it will be so. It is just a matter of time. Just like the farmer who has faith in the seed, if you have faith in your ability to be a millionaire, it can be your reality.
Being a millionaire is not a matter of smarts; it’s a matter of belief. What do believe about you? Do you believe what others say about you? Do you believe what your parents, teachers, or the environment has programmed into you? Do you know that you were created by God to express greatness? That greatness does not depend on education or smarts; it depends on your faith! By faith, great things are achieved, even “unbelievable” things. So, exercise to grow your faith and watch your life change for the better. What is now invisible will manifest before your eyes in due time.
Faith will lead you to action. Faith will lead you to take steps to realize the thing you hope for. When you get those hunches, act on them as quickly as possible. For it is the action that you take, based on those hunches, that will lead you to achieve the successes that you desire.
Thomas Edison took over 10,000 actions to achieve what he believed was possible. Henry Ford took over 2 years to convince his engineers that 8 cylinders could be put in a single engine block. His “educated” engineers said that it could not be done, but Ford’s faith showed them that it could be done! The farmer took action to cultivate the land and sow the seed knowing that a crop, with a yield far greater than what was sown, would come forth.
So what are you waiting for? Exercise your faith, follow those hunches, take action, and just watch your dreams manifest before your eyes! Remember that in due season you will reap if you do not faint. That is not my opinion; it is a universal, God-given law that works every single time!
Have fun! I look forward to hearing of your stories of faith producing successes in your life.
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