Most of us start out the same way. We have big dreams, goals, aspirations and want to make it big in network marketing. We buy into an opportunity and start advertising. We buy leads, do social networking, write blogs, get on traffic exchanges, and anything else that we can think of to get traffic and gain affiliates. Most of us even have a good heart; we want to help others succeed.
We work so hard on our businesses, yet we forgot the most important thing: YOU. MLM starts with YOU. YOU need perfecting. YOU need knowledge of people and the business. YOU need to be cleansed of all the negative attitudes that have been developing from you childhood and are still haunting you today. You may think you are okay, but I will go out on a limb here and say that there is probably plenty of limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your success.
Jesus told the religious Pharisees who focused on appearances to cleanse the INSIDE of the cup and platter and the outside will be clean also. Too often we get trapped by focusing on or paying attention to the results that we desire that we fail to pay attention to what really matters: the inside of YOU. How do you THINK? Do you know that your thoughts produce you living? I see people struggle to change their outward circumstances, but are unaware that those circumstances were produces by thoughts and deep-seated limiting beliefs.
Successful network marketers have discovered that the true secret to success is improvement of THEM. They spend a lot of time working on their thought and beliefs. This is not an easy task. Take me for example; it took me over 50 years to get like I am know with all those limiting beliefs in tow. It is going to take some time to discover and train my mind to think in new ways in order to form new and empowering beliefs.
The Bible says that faith comes by hearing. We need a lot of hearing by dedicating DAILY time to reading life-changing books and listening to empowering programs, speeches, sermons, and the like to expose old believes and overwrite them with new ones. If you do not do this, you can work day an night on your business and continue to go nowhere fast.
I used to hate to read. I know am surrounded by excellent books and read every day. I listen to excellent CD programs put our by some of the greatest authors and personal development trainers of all-time. Of course, I send lots of time with the Architect of the Universe and Creator of all mankind. Since God designed us, it only makes sense to hand around Him!
Personal development is paramount to success in MLM. So now you can see why I believe, in the beginning YOU. You need to spend ample time on YOU everyday. When you do, your outward circumstances will change to reflect your new inward realities. I will warn you; this is not easy and it will take time. Just be patient, do a little every day and you will see how rewarding working on YOU can be.
I might suggest a program that is offered for free from Mentoring for Free. It is the 30-day Mental Cleanse Program. It is a 30-day commitment to taking your life back. This program is an excellent way to start cleaning the inside of your vessel. The program consists of making some commitments such as turning off the TV, no newspapers, video games, surfing for news, and ANYTHING negative in your life. On the positive side you will read 1 chapter of the book, THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. You will turn in an assignment (what you learned from the chapter) each week and participate in a special call where that chapter will be discussed. This is a live-changing program! If you are interested, please email me at In the subject line type, “30-day mental cleanse.” I will get back to you with the necessary information. Again, this program is free.
Now get to work. Remember, in the beginning, YOU. Work on YOU until you are the YOU that you desire to be. When you do, success will manifest itself in untold ways!
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