Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Power of a Burning Desire

A Lesson I learned from Chapter 2 of Think and Grow Rich:

Napoleon Hill calls it, “The starting point of all achievement.”  Michael Dlouhy in his book, SUCCESS IN 10 STEPS, calls it your “why.”  Whatever you call it, no one is going anywhere of significance without it.

In his book, THINK AND GROW RICH, Dr. Hill describes Edwin C. Barnes as a person with a BURNING desire.  Mr. Barnes had a burning desire to be a business partner of Thomas A. Edison.  Though Barnes resembled a tramp what was inside his head was the thoughts of a king!  Nothing was going to stop him from achieving his dream and NOTHING did.  I believe that everything that could rise up against Mr. Barnes, keeping him from realizing his dream, did.  But because of his burning desire (why), anything that got in his way was BURNED to ashes.

Edison was the same, as well as countless others who have achieved outstanding success.  Their “why” was so BIG that nothing was going to hold them back.  It’s so sad that this is not the case with most of those who desire uncommon success.  Network marketers are falling like flies in a rainstorm because they have not faced the big question: WHY?  What is the burning-desire that is going to get them through the critical relatives, the un-cooperative spouse, the “well-meaning” coworkers that are trying to give you sound advice to quit now and stop wasting your money; those who through “experience” will tell you that network marketing is just a pyramid scheme and just doesn’t work, and so forth? 

Well, in times past, that was me!  It didn’t take much for me to give up.  I fell like a Silver Maple tree hit by a tornado at the slightest criticism.  When things got “hard” I would just tell myself that everyone was right; network marketing is not for me.  Heck, can so many people be wrong? 

Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to success or anything of value for that matter.  The road to success is littered with the bodies of people who just lacked one thing; the most important thing:  A burning desire—a big fat “why.”

I am so encouraged by reading chapter two of THINK AND GROW RICH.  It shows that the road to success in NOT easy, but it is CERTAIN for ANYONE with and strong, unfailing, powerful, desire backed by an unwillingness, under ANY circumstances, to give up! 

Well, I can say I will NEVER give up!  I have burned the bridge that leads from mediocrity to the land of achievement.  Though I am 53, and just getting started; that’s okay.  So far, all hell has risen up to try to get me to quit.  I have been discouraged and every thought has come up in my mind telling me I will fail, you can’t do this, you’re too old, it’s too late and so-forth; but guess what, I will NOT fail and cannot fail because I have what it takes to win:  A BIG FAT, LUSHIOUS, BURNING DESIRE!  

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