There are a number of companies that are getting nailed by the governments of the United States and Australia. If you go to www.mlmwatchdog.com you will know what I am talking about.
This morning I was talking to a certain group of men who were commenting on some political issues and one of them said how easy it is for people to fall for the hype and not dig into the substance of what they see and hear. I had to agree because I see that all the time in network marketing and on online promotions.
People in general have a propensity to be attracted to the glitz and glamour of the websites they are viewing and never really ask the hard questions:
· Would any LOGICAL THINKING person spend this amount of money on this product or service if there were NOT a Pay Plan attached to it?
· Does the income stop when the RECRUITING stops?
If the answer to question #1 is NO, RUN! If the answer to question #2 is YES, RUN! Don’t spend another second being duped by the Hollywood stunts of that promoter.
Just these two questions alone would save people from being overcome by the glitz and glamour; in other words, the HYPE of any “opportunity” presented.
Let’s face it, we are totally hypnotized they the Hollywood hype of these internet Ponzi (Charles Ponzi Pictured) or Pyramid Scheme artists. They understand the psychology of today’s wealth seeker: Get if fast and get it NOW.
Wealth is not, nor never will be attained, legally, in a fast and now method. You have to serve people with something they want and need and are willing to give you their hard earned money for it. You have to be willing to give more in use value than you receive in cash value. If you do that, you will get rich over time. Of course, you can gamble or play the lottery in hopes of getting rich, but don’t count on it. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning and a clear day than obtaining wealth fast and now.
Please do not fall for the hype. Ask yourself the two questions above and save yourself from being ripped-off by the glitz.
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