Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” I would like to take the time to break this quote down for all to understand.
“What the mind can conceive,” is a most precious statement. It is a fact that our human mind has the ability to conceive an idea. It is through ideas that great things happen. Thomas Edison had an idea about a light bulb. Henry Ford had an idea about mass-producing the automobile. Abraham Lincoln had the idea of abolishing slavery. Our founding fathers had an idea of a constitution that would be the foundation of one of the greatest and most powerful countries on earth. Every success, great or small, came from an idea that was birthed in the mind.
An idea is great, but it is necessary to take the next step, “believe.” Belief is necessary for the idea to be fueled with passion. Belief in an idea makes us passionate and causes us to get excited about the possibilities and even the certainty of the workability of the idea we conceived in our mind. Without belief an idea will die as fast as it was birthed.
Belief comes by holding the conceived thought in our mind constantly. We think about the idea and even see it in our minds eye as already ours. We think about it, we talk about it; we dream about it until a red-hot belief that it is ours overcomes our 5 senses. WOW!
Now comes the challenge…”Achieve.” We have to achieve and achievement comes by taking action! It is not good enough to conceive and idea and just believe it. We have to achieve it through action. As you dwell upon your idea and it comes the predominate thought in your mind, you will be prompted from within with thoughts of actions that you can take to bring that idea into reality. Some of these promptings may seem ridiculous, but do not ignore them for each action will pave the way for more action that will eventually lead to the reality of your conceived idea.
The Bible says that, “Faith without works is dead.” You can have an idea and believe that you will realize that idea. However, without action, nothing will happen. When Jesus healed the man with the withered hand he asked him to take action by stretching forth his hand. The man who had the withered hand had the faith to take the ACTION and thus received the healing. This was true of all such events in the Bible. Faith requires some kind of action.
Most people, especially of the Law of Attraction persuasion, miss this point. You may condition your mind to focus on what you want, but without action, what you want will not come to you. As you focus on what you want, you will receive inward promptings to take certain actions. Again, do not ignore this. Taking action solidifies your belief and causes the things you want to appear in you life. The process is simple:
· Think with your mind
· Ideas will be conceived
· Focus on that idea until you believe that it is already yours
· Take action based on the inner promptings
· Each action will lead to further actions until your idea becomes a reality
If you want to experience one of Mr. Hill’s greatest teachings, learn to take action!
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