Without failure we could never know success. Without fumbling and falling and getting back up to do it all over again, and again, and again, a baby could never learn to successfully walk. Recently I “talked” to a 1 year old. I didn’t understand a word he said. He was failing as a great communicator! However, one day, after repeated failure he will “learn” to talk successfully. If you understand how the brain works, you will understand that this “failure to success” thing is normal.
When you learned to ride a bike, you wobbled and fell and got back up and tried again until you had a success. The same was true when you learned how to drive a car or literally anything you can now do with ease, automatically, and successfully. Failure is just part of the success process. Actually, very successful people just fail more often and much faster than less successful people do. Therefore, if you want to experience faster success, just fail faster! It is awesome to be able to look at failure as part of success. It’s the dark side of success. Dark is necessary for there to be light just as failure is necessary for there to be success.
Look at Thomas Edison. He “failed” over 10,000 times to create a workable filament for the incandescent light bulb. Without those failures, there would not have been a success in his endeavor. However, once he succeeded, just one time, he could mass produce that success and by doing so, he became rich.
Did you learn how to use the computer the first time someone showed you? Probably not! You had to be shown again and again and then you had to learn some things through trial and error. That’s just the way the brain works!
The same will happen to you in your network marketing business. No matter what others tell you, you will have to learn some things on your own through failure. You have to fail and succeed “your way.” You could be taught how to ride a bike, but you still had to fail in order to ride that bike. You could be taught how to drive a car, but you still had to experience some level of failure before you could successfully drive. You can be taught how to build a successful network marketing business, but you still need to experience failure before you can reap the reward to success. It’s awesome that we have mentors and teachers in this business, but they cannot succeed for you. Eventually you have to do it yourself. Their successes, however, will lessen the severity of your failures, for you can learn many things from them.
The reason that others cannot succeed “for you” is because you are you and they are they. You are unique and have to experience success in your unique way based on your unique gifts and talents. As a result, you have to experience some unique failures in order to accomplish unique successes. Learning from others is great, but you still have to practice and in that practice you will fail. Do not worry, however, for all failure will lead to success if your are determined to succeed and not give up.
Success and failure, in my opinion, are the same. They are just two sides of one thing. The only people who do not fail are those who do nothing. And those who do nothing will never experience great success. So, if you don’t like failure, sit back and do nothing. Oh, by-the-way, you will never accomplish anything great either! If you are tired of failing, quit! Quitting, however, is the worse thing that a human being can do. Quitting is a tragedy and many have quit just one or two failures from reaching the success they were seeking. Don’t let that be you!
I wish you great success (and failure)!
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