How many times do you utter those words every single day? Using these words may be attracting into your life those things contrary to your desire. By using these words, we draw our attention to those things we are trying to avoid.
When you hear the statement, “Don’t eat that ice cream” what is your attention drawn to? Eating that ice cream! When I say, “There’s no way I would drive fast” what is your attention drawn to? Driving fast, of course. What happens when you say, “I am not going to eat that cake”? You think about eating that cake.
Instead of saying, “I don’t want” restate that phrase with what you do want. Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be broke” restate by saying, “I want to be wealthy.” When you catch yourself saying, “I am not” restate by saying, “I choose to.”
It’s all about attention or focus. What you focus on, you attract into your life. Don’t, not, and no draws attention to what you do not want. That attention or focus begins attracting into your life what you don’t want. Whenever those words come up, just learn to ask yourself, “What do I want?”
Our words are powerful. Words send vibrations and those vibrations are looking for matches in the universe. If you are saying, “I don’t want to be fat” you are focusing on being fat and sending out vibrations of being fat. Chances are you will reach for the next candy bar you can get your hands on! Why, because the universe is responding to the vibration of your thought’s, words, and feelings. It’s like a radio. If you set your radio on 104.9FM you will not get 610AM. You will get whatever you set your radio tuner to. If you set it on 104.9 the receiver in your radio will look for a transmitter with the matching signal. The same is true with thoughts and words.
Look at your life. What you are getting is a match to the vibrations that you are sending out. If you are always broke, you have a broke mind-set and speaking. When you say, “We do not have enough money,” how does that make you feel? It makes you feel bad and that feeling, based on your thoughts and words, is sending vibrations and, as a result, more things will come into your life to make sure you don’t have enough money.
Instead of focusing on not having enough, begin focusing on what you do have. Look for abundance in your life. Did someone treat you to a meal? Be thankful for the abundance of a free meal in your life. Did you find a parking spot right where you needed one? Celebrate that gift. Focus on and observe the plenty in your life and speak about that plenty and more plenty will appear in your life.
Here is a formula that you should try to remember:
Thoughts spoken through words produce feelings and those feelings send vibrations that are looking for corresponding vibrations to send back as your reality. You literally create your life through this process! This is a gift from God, so use it wisely!
In conclusion, be careful what you think, say, and how you feel. Your feelings are the ultimate guide to what you are thinking and saying. If you feel good, your thinking and speaking match your desire. If you feel bad, your thinking and speaking are contrary to your desire. Avoid the words: don’t, not and no, as much as possible. Focus on the things that you DO want and watch your life change for the better.
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