There is good news for you if you are in network marketing: Your business is about to skyrocket! When the economy is good less people are interested in income alternatives. They rather go to work, come home and watch TV. Even when someone gets into a MLM business in a good economy, they fizzle out due to the lack of real need.
However in a bad economy people worry. They are afraid of losing their jobs or getting their pay reduced. People in a bad economy are looking for alternatives and will more likely do what it takes to succeed. Instead of watching TV they will work to build their business.
The baby boomers are getting creamed as their 401K’s, stocks, and other investments are losing anywhere from 25%-50%. Believe me, they are going to be looking for ways to replace that income in a hurry.
This time, not only is the U.S. in a severe economical downturn, the entire world is suffering financial difficulty. The news media is filling the airwaves with BAD NEWS. Bad news leads to fear and fear causes people to take action.
People are in a state of fear. When they start worrying, they quite spending money. The psychology of fear fuels less spending and ushers in a bigger recession causing this downward trend to spiral out of control.
The answer is network marketing, which has a tendency to skyrocket in bad economic times. People are looking for inexpensive ways to start a business in order to start making money from home. Historically many network marketing companies have done very well in economic downturns.
Now is the time to aggressively introduce your business opportunity to everyone you meet. Just think, you can help someone start a business for $200-$500 that could produce financial freedom with just a few years of hard work. What I mean by hard work is just 10-15 hours of week. People’s minds will be open at times like these, so take advantage of it!
If you are new to the industry and need some help in building a great residual income, please go to www.wealthmastersnetwork.net. If you are an old-timer, get out your contact lists and help as many of those people as you can out of their economic distress.
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