Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beliefs Can Make or Break You

Beliefs are just thoughts that we give energy to.  The more energy we give a thought the stronger the belief.  Beliefs are formed from birth and many were imposed on us without any or much resistance.  We heard our parents say over and over that rich people are crooks.  We heard the religious say that money is evil.  We heard many such things and we believed them.   When something is heard over and over again it can becomes a belief; especially if what is being said is spoken with intense emotion.

I talk to many people that seem like mind numb robots.  I know, I was one of them!  They say things that are untrue as though they were fact.  This is especially true for those who sit in front of the “tube” day after day taking in all the things they see and hear over and over again and then spew them out like they are experts or something.  We live in a society where we are taught WHAT to think and not HOW to think.   This is a shame!  Not even our educational system teaches our kid HOW to think!

How many times have we network marketers been told that we were in a pyramid scheme?  How many times was we warned that, “That won’t work?”  Who did all the warning?  People who “believed” something they heard in the past; people with strong opinions that have not mastered the ability to think.

For the sake of this post, I will tackle that belief that money is evil.  I heard that saying over and over again throughout my over 50 years and believed it.  After all, rich people had to take from the poor to get their money, didn’t they?  I was lead to believe that being poor and dead broke was a virtue!  I had a belief that desiring wealth was bad and that I should be content with what I have even though I was miserable.  This is just the “tip of the iceberg” as far as my beliefs went.  However one day I began to look at that believe and question it.

One way to deal with false beliefs is to question them.  For example:  Is money really evil?  First of all, how can money be evil?  Money is an object.  It is merely a means of trade and commerce.  It does not have a mind; a soul and thus cannot do evil.  Money is neutral.  However, some people do evil things with money.  They gamble, buy drugs, pay for prostitution, etc.  Therefore money in and of itself is not evil.  It’s how some people use it that can be evil.

Most people do good things with money.  They support themselves and their families; give to charities, hire people, purchase things and all of these things make our economy grow.  Again, money is neither good or evil, it’s the people who handle it that make the difference. 

Now I have reasoned away the false belief that money is evil.  What is evil is the love of money.   To love money, worship it; treating it like your god is evil.  Again it’s the person that makes the difference.    Now I have a new belief that having money is good and not evil.  I no longer give energy to the thought that money is evil.  Money to me is a means to make this world a better place.  With money I can treat my family and friends to the best things in this life.  I can buy things that keep the people who make them employed.  I can give to the poor and support the ministries as my Lord leads me.   I can do awesome things with money, but am totally enslaved by debt.

I have only touched on one belief, but all beliefs should be handled in the same way.  Until limiting beliefs are dealt with, new and more powerful beliefs cannot be realized.  If you have been trying to adapt new beliefs with little success, maybe it’s time to examine the beliefs that you do have and see if they are repelling the new believe.  If you want to be wealthy and deep down “believe” that wealth is wrong, you will never be wealthy.  You have to question the false or limiting beliefs and crush them by studying each one to see if it holds any water (so-to-speak).  If you discover that that belief is not true then just dismiss it and establish an new and more powerful belief such as, money is good and I can do awesome things with money.

I put together a movie to help me establish new beliefs.  You can view it on You Tube at:

More on this subject will be covered in future posts.  My point is, don’t be imprisoned by your false beliefs.  You can do something about those limiting beliefs, develop new ones and achieve great things.  I pray the best for you!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fireproof - The Movie

My wife and I went out to see the movie FIREPROOF that was just released by Sherwood Pictures.  This move is a life-changer, as FACING THE GIANTS was.  Even I was in tears during portions of this awesome movie.

FIREPROOF is a breath of fresh air in this world of failed marriages.  The writers  and producers of FIREPROOF really told it like it is with many marriages today and how they CAN be saved.  I just can't say enough about this movie.  It was so real!

I would suggest this fantastic movie to anyone, especially families.  God bless the producers of FIREPROOF.  I pray for it's success and can't wait till it's available on DVD.  It WILL be in my library.

Oh, if you have not seen FACING THE GIANTS, do it right away.  It is awesome!  I have seen it 3 times so far and can't get enough of it!  With God all things are possible!

Yea, I know that this is a strange post for an MLM blog, but success starts in the home!  It's hard to have a successful home business if you spouse is not on board.  Just watch the movie and you will know what I mean.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We the People - The Pursuit of Happiness

Warning!  The post you are about to read may make your blood boil!  I hope it does!

The main deep-seated desire of mankind is freedom.   Freedom is the most precious commodity on this planet. 

The country in which I live, the United States of America, was founded because of the pursuit of freedom.  Our founding fathers were pursuing freedom from government oppression, freedom of religion, freedom from over-taxation, freedom to use their God-given abilities to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

However, at the age of 53 I am seeing our freedoms being systematically taken away.  The government is telling the people that they cannot make it on their own.  They need the government to take care of them.  The American media is an accomplice in this conspiracy to socialize our country and it is making me sick!

More and more politicians are promoting welfare programs to rob from the rich and give to the poor.  They are promoting class envy with the hopes that the majority of the people will fall for their lies and support them in socializing our wonderful county. 

The latest attempt in taking away our freedom was the recent bailout bill passed by the U.S. Senate and Congress.  Now the government has control of our home mortgages.  Why was the bailout needed?  Because our politicians, in order to get votes, felt that it is the “right” of every American to own a home.  Now they are saying that it is the “right” of every American to have healthcare.  Next they will be saying that it is the “right” of every American to own a Roll Royce!  The Constitutions of the United States of America provides for the “right” of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  All three of these things are under attack!  Babies are being murdered (right to life).  Our freedoms are being taken away, one by one (bye, bye liberty), and the PURSUIT of happiness is soon to follow!

The Constitution provides for the freedom to “pursue” happiness, it does not make it a right.  It’s up to the individual to create the life of their dreams and thus obtain the happiness that they desire.  It is not the government’s job or responsibility to make you happy!  Every time our politicians get involved by “trying” to make a group of people happy, the chances for obtaining happiness is greatly diminished!  Look at the old U.S.S.R., Cuba, and every other communist (socialistic) society.  Socialism does NOT promote happiness.  Socialism is just a nice word for slavery!   Why do you thing folks in socialistic or communist societies would do anything to get into our country!  They want what we have: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I have a job and a network marketing business.  I work hard in my pursuit of happiness.  My happiness is up to me, not anyone else, especially the government!  The U.S. government’s ONLY job is to make sure I STAY FREE! 

Here is my belief:  I believe that most of the people on this planet are capable of greatness.  They are capable of achieving all of their dreams.  God has made us with the ability to achieve what we conceive and believe in our mind.  For those born handicapped, it’s up to us to us, as individuals, to supply for their needs.  We are capable of helping others without government intervention.  Mankind is essentially good and willing to help those less fortunate.  What I mean by “less fortunate” are those who have no ability to care for themselves.  I am more than willing to provide help for such persons.  However, I am not willing to give my hard EARNED money to ANYONE who thinks they DESERVE it!  You DESERVE what YOU EARN.  You DO NOT deserve the wealth of others. 

I believe that the news outlets, universities, and Hollywood are responsible to the dumbing down of the American people.   They are feeding the “your owe me” mentality.  We are being fed lies and propaganda every single day.  It’s time to stop allowing them to feed us their B.S. and educate ourselves with the truth.  You owe it to yourselves, your children and your grandchildren to stand up and guard the freedoms that made us the richest most powerful country in the world.   Ignorance is now the greatest communicable disease in the world, don’t let it infect you or those you love.

If you are reading this, you are probably in network marketing.  Why do you want a home based business?  My guess is to obtain MORE freedom!  You, like most of us, want freedom from debt and freedom of time.  We want abundance and know we can obtain it.  You are probably putting in long hours to build your business to make your dream a reality.  Are you doing it so the government can take MORE of your money?  Are you willing to LET them take YOUR money so they can give it to underachievers!  I think not! 

Today, the mainstream media and liberal politicians want to play Robin Hood.  They want to take from the “Have’s” and give to the “Have Not’s.”  They claim that it is the patriotic thing to do.  Recently, Joe Biden said that it “was the patriotic thing to do.”  Well it is not!  It is foolish to hold such a concept!  I want control of my money and give it to whom and where I see fit.  It’s not Uncle Sam’s job to do so nor is it the media’s job to condemn those who are wealthy.   Let’s face it; under achiever never hired anyone!  An under achiever never build a wing onto a hospital.  A under achiever never donated $250,000 to the Cancer Society.  It’s the dreamers, achievers, and responsible citizens that have made this country great, and let’s not stop now!

Stand up!  Let your voice be heard!  Fight for your right to Pursue Happiness.  If you don’t, I am afraid that our children and grandchildren will never know the joy of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

God bless you.  God bless your pursuit of happiness.  God bless the U.S.A.!



Monday, October 6, 2008

What is Your Freedom Factor

Have you ever considered when you will be financially free?  When will you be able to live the lifestyle that you dream about and do what you want, when you want?

Here is a little test you can take to determine your “freedom factor:”

1.  When would you like to retire?

___ One Year

___ Two Years

___ Five Years

___ Ten Years

2.  Now that you have determined that, what is your plan to reach this goal?

3.  How much money do you need to make monthly to be financially free?

___ $1,000.00

___ $2,000.00

___ $5,000.00

___ $10,000.00

Now that you have a monthly income in mind, how do you plan to receive this income?

To determine the amount of investment that you will need (at 6% interest) to achieve you income goal in question 3, please multiply that amount by 200*:

$ ____________ X 200 = $ _________________

Now here is the big question:  How do you plan to accumulate this money?

*Example:  To produce $5,000 in monthly income, you would need to invest $ 1 Million ($5,000 X 200).  $1 Million @ 6% interest creates $60,000 a year in income.  Divide $60,000 by 12 months and you will make $5,000 a month.

The chances are that you will not be able to put $1 Million in a bank anytime soon.  You would have to save $16,000 a month to have $1 Million dollars accumulated in a 5 year period!  That’s $16,000 a month AFTER you pay for food, gas, utilities, mortgage, credits cards, car payments, etc.

What you need is Mailbox Money.  If you are interested in finding out more about how to earn Mailbox Money, please contact me and I will teach you how to get a check in the mail every week for the income that you need to achieve your “freedom factor.”  I have one of the fastest programs available to achieve your “freedom factor,” so contact me today.