You already have a stimulus package. It’s between your ears and it’s called your mind. A stimulated mind is the most powerful thing that we possess. Every single man, woman, and child possesses all they need to become a massive success.
Unfortunately our political leaders rather do everything they can to stop you from using your powerful mind. Instead of stimulating us, the governments of the world, with the help of the news media, are doing everything possible to make you and me dependent on them instead of using our own “stimulus package” to create all the wealth and prosperity that we need.
My friend, you have all you need. God did not short-change you. He gave you all you need to succeed, but you are made to believe that you can’t make it, you can’t do it; you need someone else to do it for you. You need to blame others for your failure in life. At least that is what “they” want you to believe.
Don’t fall for stimulus package of the U.S. or any other world government. You must take charge of your own life and bear responsibility for your own stimulus. I get all the stimulus that I need from the Bible and other great books. I fill my mind with what is possible, not what can’t be done. The Bible says, “All things are possible to the one who believes.” Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or can’t, you are right.”
Are you struggling? Good! At least you are doing something. Struggling, to the right person, causes seeking and seeking results in finding! As I have said many times, the secret is not to give up. Stimulate your mind and keep it stimulated. You will not stimulate your mind watching news reports, reading news papers, watching or listening to anything that will cause worry, doubt, or fear.
Fill you mind with what is possible. Read and listen to good material. You can find great teaching programs from Nightingale Conant or other similar educational outlets. There is plenty on the Internet and bookstores like Barnes and Noble to stimulate your marvelous mind. Don’t wait for others to make your life work for you. Your can and must take charge to design the life you desire.