I know you probably don’t want to hear it, but we are in for some very tough times. People are getting laid off and retirement funds are disappearing into thin air. The Federal Reserve is printing money like there is not tomorrow, and our government is taking over the banking system and private enterprises. In light of this here are a couple of options each one of us has:
1. Complain, murmur, take more drugs and drink more alcohol
2. Seek and think your way through this disaster
Seek and think you ask? It sounds too simple, but yes, now is the time to seek. Now is the time for the millionaire within you to truly come forth. 95% or more of the world population have been marching, unaware, toward the mountain of debt we are now facing. This mountain is huge and unmovable and most will just give up and look to the world governments to bail them out at the foot of this gigantic mountain.
Most will just pitch a tent at the foot of this mountain and sing the blues. Little do they know that on the other side of the mountain is a city of gold! On the other side of defeat is victory! On the other side of failure is success! In order to get to the other side you just have to THINK. You just have to seek a way or ways to go through or over or around the mountain.
My wife and I travel to West Virginia regularly to visit family. We have to go through Wheeling. There are two ways to get through Wheeling: Go through a mountain on I-70 or go up and around the mountain on I-470. There was a time when neither route existed. However somebody with a seeking heart and a thinking mind came up with a way to get to the other side opening an easy way to the east.
Right now, you can begin to seek for a way to get through these hard economic times. Right now you can put on your thinking cap and use your God-given mind to think of a way to make it through, successful, this seemingly impossible time.
Do not look to the government. In my opinion our politicians are abject failures. They are creating a socialist welfare state at the expense of achievers. You must take matters into your own hands with the help of the Almighty God. God and man, when paired together, make an unbeatable team. He will give you the wisdom and knowledge that you will need to get through this man-made disaster we are finding ourselves in.
The Bible says, “Keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking.” It goes on to say that those who keep on asking will receive and those who keep on seeking will find and those who keep on knocking, the door will be opened to them. I don’t know about you, but I would rather trust the Bible than CNN and MSNBC. All the media does is spew negative defeatism throughout the earth. This just puts people in the state of fear, and according to the Bible, fear has torment!
My advice, don’t look at the mountain as something that cannot be overcome, rather look at it as something to be defeated! To defeat it, seek the One who knows how to defeat it. That’s just my advice!
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