Okay, I admit, this apparently has NOTHING to do with MLM Success, but I can assure you that it does. I just wrote to my Senator's and Congressman regarding my feelings about how our elected officials are doing. I took a letter written by a Glenn Beck listener and modified it. I then sent it to my representatives. I would suggest you write your representatives as well. For if you don't, you may wake up one morning with less freedom and thus less of an opportunity to be successful. The amount of freedom you have is in proportion to your freedoms. Don't give them up. Now is the time to fight for our freedoms before our elected officials pick them off one by one. Don't let them continue to introduce and support policies that will kill our chances for ultimate success and even worse, our children and grandchildren's.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Make Your Voice Heard. Your Freedoms Depend on It!
Okay, I admit, this apparently has NOTHING to do with MLM Success, but I can assure you that it does. I just wrote to my Senator's and Congressman regarding my feelings about how our elected officials are doing. I took a letter written by a Glenn Beck listener and modified it. I then sent it to my representatives. I would suggest you write your representatives as well. For if you don't, you may wake up one morning with less freedom and thus less of an opportunity to be successful. The amount of freedom you have is in proportion to your freedoms. Don't give them up. Now is the time to fight for our freedoms before our elected officials pick them off one by one. Don't let them continue to introduce and support policies that will kill our chances for ultimate success and even worse, our children and grandchildren's.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Think it. Speak it. Manifest it.
Your thinking is most important. It is the birthplace of all manifestation. When a thought is emotionalized that becomes a belief. When you speak forth your beliefs often enough over time, those beliefs will manifest.
Our mind, emotion, and speech all work together to bring about the creation of our lives. What is manifested in our life right now is a result of your emotionalized thought and speech. When I say speech, I mean your verbalized talk. Self-talk is powerful, but verbalized speech is most powerful.
If you want to change the outcome of your life you must start with your thinking. Think of things you want to manifest in your life and supercharge them with the power of your emotions—then speak them forth. Over time you will discover your life is different and in line with what you want to manifest.
This is not magic; it is the way we were designed by our Creator. God made us in His image after His likeness and He gave us the power to create. We cannot create something out of nothing as He can, but we can create pretty much anything we want in our life based on what He already created. Thomas Edison “created” a light bulb based on God’s creation of light. The Wright brother’s created an airplane based on God’s creation of flight (birds).
What do you want? Think it. Speak it. Manifest it. It’s all within your God-given power. Don’t settle for the way things are. Don’t take the back seat waiting for life to happen to you. Get behind the wheel and make your life happen! Hey, and have fun doing it!